Kyle 3

38 4 12

I'm hungry.

Angelica looked up from the book she was reading to find that Kyle was choosing to be fully visible. He was standing in the doorway, taking up all the space.

He had been extra hungry as of late. She had brought home five chickens for him this week alone.

"Really?" she asked. "Do you... do you need me to buy you something else?"

Kyle's black eyes bored into her. But eventually he shook his head and from the TV came the word: Fear.

Angelica put her book down and frowned at him. "Do you mean my fear?"

Those black eyes stayed on her, but once again her shook his head.

Must... hunt...

Well, what the hell did that mean?

"Like... hunt and eat people's... fear?" she asked. Kyle nodded. "Do you... do you need me? Can you just go with out me?"

The TV flickered again and the word: Bound came at her.

Right so he was bound to her. She sort of already knew that too. She had asked why he had chosen her and he had said that he hadn't. All he had said was that he had been given to her, so with her he had to stay. Well, he said it in less words but that was the gist of it.

The problem she had now was that she was essentially going to have to take her new pet monster out on a hunt and she wasn't sure how to do that.

She nodded. "Uh... do you need to go now?" she asked. "Could I maybe go and buy you something else to eat. And maybe tomorrow we can figure out a way to get you out hunting?"

Crispy, crunchy, chicken, came out of the TV and Angelica moved right away. She picked up her purse and her car keys, so she could go and get it for him.

She knew that, at some point, she would have to deal with him hunting, but she hadn't thought that meant she'd sit back at the house and be worried about him coming back. She didn't think she'd have to go with him.

Why did she have to go with him though? She got that he was bound to her, but did that mean he couldn't leave the house unless he was going with her?

That had to suck for him. Being stuck in a bungalow in New York suburbia.

Still, while she was out she had a job to do, and that was firstly to get him another rotisserie chicken, and secondly to figure out how this was going to work.

And it took the whole shopping trip to figure it out, but she did and she was actually super proud of her plan, because it would work for her and it would work for him too.

She'd want to run it by him first though. Just to make sure that he was okay with it.

Angelica shut the door behind her and right away Kyle was in front of her.

She didn't even flinch.

"I got your chicken," she said indicating to her bag. "And I picked up a cheesecake for myself."

Kyle continued to watch her as she moved around him and towards the kitchen. She knew he was following her.

She got to the table, took out the rotisserie chicken and set it down. He was very good at not eating in front of her cause the crunching made her gag, so though it was there for him and he had no problem getting it out of the plastic to-go container, he didn't touch it.

She took out her slightly melted cheesecake, as she shouldn't have had it in the bag with the heat from the chicken, and cut herself a piece before sliding it into the fridge to keep it cool.

... I'm... hungry...

"I know and I've been thinking about that..."

I... have... to... eat...

"No, I know. That's not the problem, the problem of who you'd get fear from. I can't just let you loose on the neighbourhood. Not if I have to go with you. Plus I'd feel bad scaring the pants off of innocent people."

I... have... to eat...

"I know, Kyle, let me finish," she said with a sigh. "I think the best thing to do would be to go somewhere where I know bad people are and then you can do your thing. What do you think does that sound okay?"

He inclined his head to her and she nodded. "Right, you eat your chicken, and when you're done we'll go over my plan."

Her shadow monster nodded and only then did he go for the chicken. And she quickly left the room before she could hear the crunching, taking her piece of cheesecake into the living room. 

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