Peter LaPointe .1

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Peter had been putting this off mainly because he was scared.

When his girlfriend started acting weird he assumed she was stressed. She had said a pipe burst in her house, and she had to stay out of it until it was fixed. Money had always been tight between them, but emergency expenses were hard to handle when you basically lived paycheque to paycheque.

He figured that was the problem, that between the pipes actually bursting while she was asleep and the whole money stress, she was getting a little ragged. But then she started jumping at shadows and talking to something that wasn't there.

It took some prying but eventually it came out that she was seeing things.

Peter could deal with a lot of things, but he didn't want to deal with crazy.

He had broken up with her right away.

Atfirst he expected her to complain, to show up at his apartment or the Coutureand Bespoke Tailor's Shop he managed and beg for him to take her back. But hisnow ex-girlfriend had always been prideful and she didn't.

That had been a bit of a blow to his ego, but it didn't hurt for too long.

Another girl caught his eye and he had basically taken up with her right away.

Christina was everything he needed at that moment. She was the complete opposite of his ex-girlfriend in the looks department, she was a similar age, in a similar job, but she wasn't crazy and that was the major plus.

They had kept their relationship on the downlow only because Christina worked with Peter's ex and he hadn't wanted to cause drama between them. His ex was very big on petty drama and he didn't want to deal with it.

The problem was she kept texting him.

Not to get him back but because he had left a box of things in her house and she wanted him to come get them.

He didn't want to go and deal with the crazy ex.

But then something went down at their shared work place and both his ex and Christina got a lot of free time handed to them in the form of administrative leave.

That meant he had all the time in the world with his new girlfriend, which was sort of grating on his nerves but the endless sex was great. It also meant that his ex could amp up the reminders to pick up his shit.

The last text he got simply said: "Either you come and get it or I set it on fire. Your choice."

So he organized a time in which he could go, picked up all the stuff that had been laying around that had been hers, or things she had bought that made Christina uncomfortable and put them in their own box.

But Christina didn't trust him going there on his own. Apparently she was convinced that he'd go to see his ex, his ex would proposition him and he'd just fall into bed with her. He couldn't convince her otherwise though, so even though they wanted to keep their relationship on the downlow, she was now accompanying him.

And that was kind of smart of her, because if his ex seemed normal and wanted him back he'd told hook up with her until he decided which one he actually wanted to stay with.

He got to his ex's house, got the box out of the trunk and then walked up the drive to the front door with Christina beside him.

"What if she freaks out?" she asked him, sounding properly distressed.

Peter knew she wasn't really. He had noticed that she liked to play the victim. She'd purposely put herself in situations where Peter would have to ride to her defence.

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