Teddy .1

15 1 0

Angelica waited for the realtor to leave before she put the key to her brand new house into the lock. She took a deep breath, unlocked the door and then just pushed it open.

She knew better than to just walk in. There was something in that house, it was clear as day by the history of the house. She just didn't know what it was.

She wasn't stupid, of course. House with that kind of history, you have to wonder what's going on. Sure she had monsters, but what if that had house had something that her monsters couldn't handle? Then what?

Kevin had said that 85% of all paranormal activity was just a boogie making people see things. So that's what she figured this house had. Probably one, or maybe even a colony, of very aggressive boogies that were driving people crazy.

Angelica had nothing but practice with boogies, she'd be fine.

Once she had her monsters of course.

She figured she'd let Kevin go in and eat a few of them, before going in and stopping him and seeming like a hero. Or maybe she'd let Babs go in and talk to them. She was just worried if she did that, the others might attack her.

She still wasn't certain how territorial Boogies were. She knew that usually there was one boogie to a house, but Kevin had said it might be possible for there to be more than one. Maybe each room had it's own Boogie.

Either way, she didn't want Babs to get hurt because of her, so she was hesitant to let her go in by herself. She was, however, super excited to see what her new house looked like.

She was thinking of opening up the hotel side again. She'd take some classes in hospitality, set up a payment system, and then market the house as a haunted house. She had monsters to make things extra spooky and she wouldn't have to pay them, so it would be perfect.

She'd just be sure to book everyone on days that Kyle or Chad needed to feed on fear, or if Babs was getting bored. Maybe have a special Christmas theme and have Kevin do his thing on unsuspecting victims.

Just no touching and, in Kevin's case, no whips or chains.

So Angelica stood there, in the entrance being assaulted by musty air, staring in at the shadows. She wondered if, whatever it was, was on her already. Would she start hallucinating? She'd know to check her hair for a boogie first.

But nothing happened. Nothing popped out of her, nothing appeared, all she saw was patches of sunlight coming through boarded up windows, and the dust particles drifting through though sunlight. She figured herself safe so she took one single step into the house and the second her foot made contact with the hardwood flooring of the foyer the house wheezed.

Now this wasn't a creaking, moaning hardwood panel that needed to be replaced. It was like the whole house was inhaling.

Angelica froze in place, waiting to see what would happen. Apprehension shifted into her shoulders, coiled into her stomach. Her grip tightened on the doorknob and she found that she was holding her breath.

And yet nothing came.

Angelica let her breath out in a stream of shaky giggles. She was being ridiculous. Why was she so afraid? She had stared down Kyle, had been dragged by Chad, whipped by Kevin and chased by Babs' illusions, she could handle one house.

She took another step in and was immediately screamed at.

It was this deep, booming scream of Get Out that shook through the house and through her.

Nope. She wasn't dealing with that at all.

Before anything could run at her, she stumbled back out of the house and slammed the door shut behind her. Then she locked it for good measure just to make sure nothing opened that door to get her on the porch.

She stood there for a minute running her hand through her hair and patting herself down. She took off her sweater and threw it down and then almost took her shirt off too because there was no way it was in her bra, she'd've noticed. But there was nothing on her.

The house had just screamed at her and it wasn't a boogie that was on her.

That uh... that didn't bode well.

She thought about it for all of two seconds and then decided that she was going to sleep in her car.


That was the safest move here.

She took the key, unlocked the door and then opened it again. "Hey, quick question before I go... uh... where can I park my car that's far enough away from you to keep you happy but not actually off the property so I don't get a ticket?"

For a moment she thought the house wouldn't answer and then she got a: "End of the driveway!" in the exact same tone and octave as that first: get out.

"Okay, will do!" she called back then shut and locked the door again.

She pounded off of that front step and back to her car. She did exactly what the house asked too. She put her car at the end of the drive way, just before the wrought iron gates that acted as the barrier to the driveway. She maneuvered the car so it was facing the house and then just sat there staring at it.

She waved, hoping that, whatever was in the house saw that she had listened and maybe earn some brownie points with it. She was certain she saw one of the curtains twitch, but that could have just been a trick of her paranoid eyes.

She doubled checked again that a boogie wasn't on her before settling back in her car. It was going to be a long night, but her she wasn't going to go back into that house without her monsters with her.

Yes she could have called Kyle but he was in the moving truck with the others and totally in charge of keeping the others from tormenting the movers. They were delayed too, which meant they wouldn't be coming until tomorrow morning.

Maybe she'd go for dinner, explore the town, find something to do to keep her busy until night fall.

But she wasn't wasting her money checking into a hotel, and she wasn't going back into that house until she had her monsters.

She'd deal with everything in the morning.

When she had back up.

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