Kevin 3

69 3 15

Because Kyle hadn't waited for her to open a door or the window, she had to call someone to come and fix her window again.

When it was done and fixed, she called Kyle out check up the bite on his hand. It still wasn't bleeding but she wanted to make sure it wasn't broken. She started by anesthetizing the bite so it wouldn't get infected then she made sure he could move it, but she let him hold an ice pack to it because it made him feel better.

When that was done, she turned the TV on for Chad who was under the couch and set out a game to play with Kyle.

She made herself tea, she played a couple rounds of Candyland with Kyle, let Chad channel surf before it was time to bed. Despite literally just evicting a squatting monster, she was desperate to keep to their regular routine. It was to calm them down, because they were all kind of on edge, especially Angelica.

She was still in shock about what happened.

A second monster had decided to just come and live with her. No conversation, nothing, just moved into her fireplace and expected her to be okay with it. What the actual fuck?

How was she attracting monsters? There had to be something about her that was attracting them. Maybe she could figure it out and dial it down, because at this rate she was going to end up being a some sort of foster mother for monster. And she didn't think she was ready for that.

Just thinking about it panicked her. She could barely handle the two she had, okay not true, she was managing them, but it was hard. If she started taking on more monsters it would just get harder for her.

"Just a question," she said interrupting their last game. Kyle, who basically going to win again, turned his face up to her. "How did that thing get past the two of you? I'm serious, both of you are security, how did you guys not notice?"

... it... came down... the chimney...

"It's blocked off!" But Kyle shook his head. "It's not blocked off? Did he break through it?" Kyle nodded and she scowled. "And neither of you heard it?"

Thought... it was a... bird...

Aw come on.

"Right well next time investigate cause like... I don't want anymore monsters, you two are enough for me."

From under the couch a single tentacle reached out to wrap around her wrist. Chad liked to do that. He could sense when she needed a little pick me up, or if she was scared. He had wanted to watch a horror movie a couple of nights ago and every time she got scared, she'd hide behind a pillow, and Chad would reach out and wrap a tentacle around her ankle.

The first couple of times he did it, it scared her. But after a while it became a sign of comfort.

"Kay, Chad can you put the game away?" she asked as she started to pack everything away. He gurgled in agreement and she starting tidying up the plates and food crumbs so she could tuck in for the night

She called a goodnight to her two monsters before heading upstairs to get ready. At that point everything was normal, just a typical night for her.

She went through her nightly skin care routine, changed into her pajamas and then eventually tucked herself into bed.

She fell asleep easily, considering a new monster had let itself into her house and her other two monsters hadn't noticed. She didn't even have uneasy dreams or nightmares.

Which meant, when she found herself suddenly very much awake, she wasn't sure what woke her up. But now that she was awake her whole body was tingling with a sort of dreaded awareness. The kind of feeling she got when Kyle appeared behind her.

He knew better than to appear in her bedroom though. They had rules. Still she turned hoping to catch a glimpse of that pale white in the shadows.

But nothing was there.

Rolling over again she figured it was just lingering worry. But the feeling didn't go away. Suddenly every moving shadow was something to worry about, a reason to keep her eyes open. The branch tapping against her window became a hand, the shadows across the floor became snakes until she had a double look.

She was seriously contemplating calling for Kyle. She'd probably feel better with him there in the room with her, she'd at least be able to get to sleep.

She rolled on her back to really think about if she was going to call for Kyle or not but then she was frozen again.

There, crouched on her ceiling above her like some demon spider, was the little creature they had evicted. How the hell had it got back in?

And how the hell was it staying up there like that?

It let out a screech and dropped from the ceiling. Angelica, too, let out a cry and rolled herself right out of the bed before it could land on her.

When she got up the creature was crouched on her bed, back arched hissing at her like some weird goat cat hybrid. Yep, nope, she wasn't sticking around for this, no sir.

She dashed around the bed, a cry for Kyle on her lips, but the goat creature was quicker.

A chain wound itself around her ankle and before she knew it she was on the ground. That chain had a mind of its own, and before she could get back up it had wound it's way around her body. She opened her mouth to scream for Kyle but was cut off a sudden hit.

This burning sort of lash that hit across her arm.

"OW! What the..." she had cried out, and then another hit landed. The little fucker had a whip? Why the hell did it have a whip?

She half rolled, and that time she did managed to scream for Kyle. Loudly as she could.

There had to be at least three more lashes that landed before Kyle showed up. He didn't normally take that long to get to her, and she couldn't help but wonder what was taking him.

But when he got there, he took a hold of that horrible little creature by the neck and then threw it right out another window.

Her bedroom one this time.

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