Culverton House .8

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In the year 2000, there was a restructuring of the surrounding areas and the town that Culverton belonged to was amalgamated into another town. Granted a few other towns got amalgamated as well, but no one was happy to go from being Fort Talesas to being a suburb of Nacekitlan Hills.

Their suburb was still called Talesas, but no one was happy about it. Especially when they had to go to the DMV to get their licenses updated.

And with that amalgamation, the Culverton house became the Nacekitlan Hills Mayor's problem. Which was probably the only good thing about the new structure.

However, it was that office who came up with the idea of renting Culverton House out to whoever wanted to rent it.

For the night, for the week, for the month, if someone wanted to use that space they were allowed to.

Everyone in Fort Talesas' previous Mayor's office tried to warn them of the house and the dangerous around it and in it, but no one listened. They merely saw dollar signs. The space was huge, they were already getting contacted by ghost hunters, and other TV shows and movie crews that wanted to use the area to film.

Crazy people that the Miller's had attracted in the first place, people who wanted to see if they could survive the night in a haunted house, all came out of the woodwork.

It seemed like a win win. The county could keep the house and rake in all the profits.

For the first three months the Culverton House was booked solid and there were absolutely no problems.

The townsfolk were shocked. The house was finally starting to play nice? Why couldn't it have done that for the Whites?

And for two years, everything seemed fine.

The house allowed it's permit groups to come in and the newly amalgamated Nacekitlan Hills was finally seeing a profit come out of that house.

All of that changed in 2002.

They rented out the Culverton House to a ghost hunter team. A show that was only starting to gain traction. They weren't on a network but run through a video hosting site, but if they did well they would soon be picked up by a network.

Unlike the other ghost hunting crews that had rented the place, they couldn't afford the fees. They had been saving for the last two years until, finally, they could afford the fees for one night and one night only. So they really had to make the most out of it.

This ragtag team of ghost hunters were made up of two men and a woman. James and Mathew Horne were brothers and hosts of the show. While Maddy Pallilo was their camera woman and a self-proclaimed psychic.

Every episode they filmed involved a shaky camera, the two boys running around swearing they saw something, and Maddy telling them she could sense something just before the running happened.

They figured this one would be the same.

And they were only going to get one night. It was all they could afford after all. But this house was going to be what put them on the map.

They got there in the early morning and set up. They picked the rooms they wanted to film in.

They were going to start in the main bedroom on the top floor, which had been retrofitted into the owner's rooms when the place had been turned into a hotel. They wanted to start there because that's where the Thompsons and the Andersons bit the bullet. Then they'd go to Hotel room #1 which was just a floor lower, and was where they were certain the Walkers were killed. The next location was the old dining room which was now the kitchen, where the Miller's incident happened, then down to the basement where Darren White went blind.

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