Bryan .1

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It had been a long time since it had seen anything that looked like it. Been even longer since it was tied to someone. The only thing keeping it alive was the really sketchy people who would come into the shop it currently called home.

It also hadn't been all that active, so it didn't really need much to eat.

Didn't mean it wasn't lonely, because it was. It wanted someone to talk to. Well, it couldn't talk, not in a way that anything could really understand, and there hadn't been anything like it around in a long time.

Not that its kind were very social, actually it wasn't even certain if there were more of its kind out there. It might be the only one. It certainly was the only one in this shop.

Still, it got a little sad being all by itself all the time.

Today, however, it saw something that it hadn't seen in a very, very long time. Maybe even ever...

It had started out as a boring morning. The shop owner hadn't even come in yet, but it did get to watch another sunrise. It was a morning routine, the sun would rise, it would play a little tune into the quiet shop and then take a nap.

This morning, however, something woke it up from its nap. And it wasn't the shop owner either, because he wasn't in yet.

"Stop it," the voice said. Though it was slightly muffled by the window between them, it still jolted it awake. It hastily climbed out of the guitar it had been nestled in to watch out the window. It loved watching people. "If you don't stop squeaking in my ear I will go back home, so help me."

Then the voice came into a view. It was a woman. Blonde hair, human. All that it really noticed.

Except for the aura.

Most humans had them, different colors for different emotions, different states. This human had a golden pink aura, which was rare.

Pink was happiness, the gold was from something else. It should have been black, that's what a symbiotic relationship between a monster and its host looked like, but this human had a gold aura. That meant... it was friends with a monster.

It peered at her a little harder as it went by and noticed the tiny little shimmer on her shoulder. Opening its other sense fully the little creature, just like it, became clear.

That human had a boogie on its shoulder. Sitting there all nice and calm, strand of hair on in purple beak. It had never seen anything like that before.

That human was arguing with a boogie... but not in a mean way. It was taking it... shopping?

Human didn't do that. Humans were scared of their boogies... rarely saw their boogies.

"What, what do you want me to look at?" the woman said coming to a stop. She peered into the shop and it suddenly found itself hopeful. She was peering first past the glass and into the store and then she focused in on a little sign hanging on the door. "Oh... watch repair."

The woman straightened and looked around. "Well watch repair is different from clock repair. And I promised Teddy Sweet Potato Biscuits today so I don't have time to come back when it's open. I'll come back later, okay?"

The boogie on her shoulder was not happy at that, she twittered, and pulled at the human's hair, but the human was not deterred. She eventually started walked away, chiding the boogie as she did, but again, not in a mean way.

It had never seen a human interacting with a boogie before, not in a positive way. But seeing it now filled it with hope. If this human had made friends with another monster, maybe it would be friends with it too and it would finally not be alone.

It needed this human to come into the store. It needed to go home with this human.

It needed that human to be its friend.

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