Christina Blythe .3

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Loony Bin wasn't exactly an accurate description of the place they took Christina.

They had actually ended up putting her into a psychiatric facility for the criminally insane.

She was apparently so bad, and so violent that this had done this right away. She also, apparently, did not get better. They brought her to court once, her lawyer hoping to garner some sympathy for her. They brought her in on a dolly practically, she was in a straight-jacket, and even medicated, she was raving mad. She spent the whole time in court muttering and spitting about monsters, and how Angelica could not be trusted. She couldn't answer a single question coherently.

This was a calculated move because they wanted to prove to the jury that she was literally out of her mind. And, oh boy, was she.

They barely needed Angelica's testimony, but she had gone every single day to that trial, trying to get close to Christina but she couldn't get close that first time, and after that they didn't bring her. Which meant she had to figure out a way to get to her at some other point in time.

The problem was that she working against a deadline that only she was aware of.

Angelica had been forced to wait way too long to get to this point.

After Christina got the charged not only for Angelica's attempted murder, but for Peter's murder as well, she was basically locked away for life in that special facility they had been keeping her in. She pretty much admitted over and over that she had gone to Angelica's house to murder her. She never would admit to killing Peter, though. When they asked her about it she kept rambling about the Shadow Man and how Angelia had sent him to kill Peter.

They all figured that the killing Peter part had been part of a delusion. That she did it herself but had an out of body experience and saw herself as the monster. And because she had a guilty conscious for stealing Angelica's boyfriend she blamed her for the death and went to get revenge.

And Angelica was glad that she didn't have a single hand in anyone coming up with that story. She had just sat there and said: "I unno she showed up shouting about monsters and killing me and then she started swinging at air... I just didn't know what to do..."

And that was it.

That was all that was needed. It wasn't even that much of a lie, it was essentially what happened.

Christina was sent away, most likely for life, to a mental institute.

Angelica had to figure out how to get in there, so she filed for a restraining order. The cops kept saying that she didn't need to do that, but Angelica was determined.

As soon as it was approved she had demanded the ability to hand it to her herself. Said it would be cathartic, that her therapist said it would help her get closure. She didn't have a therapist, she didn't even think that the cops or any of the facility's attendants would believe that either, but they agreed to let her do it!

However, that wasn't the real reason why she was trying to get face to face with Christina. Why she wanted to see that woman, after everything she had done, had nothing to do with a restraining order. Or needing to hand it to her herself in order to feel some kind of closure.

No she needed to retrieve something.

Two things actually.

And now, she was finally going to get to do that.

The facility was actually rather nice. It was in a large building out in the countryside, where their patients could get fresh air... if they were calm enough to be let out of their rooms and it was part of their treatment. It was, of course, completely surrounded by high electrified fences.

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