Chapter Fifty - Five

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So, aye, just going to be honest. I'm a little rusty at writing this story. I haven't worked on it in a GOOD LITTLE MINUTE. So Uh, bare with me if you can. Love you guys 💕
Not edited.

Chapter Fifty - Five

I woke up the next morning to an arm dangling across my waist, and Lee's soft snores floating around his bedroom. I watched as he slept, noticing the tiredness around his eyes and the relaxed look on his face. That flight must've really taken a lot out of him.

I smiled a little when his eyes started to open. "Morning." I said, watching as he yawned a little before sending me a small smile.

"Good morning," he replied, propping his head up on his hand. "What are you doing?"

"Just watching you," I replied before grimacing, "That came out a little weird." I said and he laughed.

"Well, if it's coming from you it's okay." He yawned and pushed himself up, "So what time are we planning on hitting the road? I know it's not a long drive, is it?"

I shook my head. "No, only about two hours."

       "Good that doesn't seem so bad." He looked over at me. "Would you like me to drive?" He questioned before a serious look crossed his face.


        "It's just that I've never seen you drive. I know you don't have a car and that you prefer taxi's and everything, but you do know how to drive right?" He said seriously causing me to roll my eyes.

"Of course I know how to drive. I just haven't thought about buying my own vehicle is all."

      "Oh." Was his reply.


       "Yeah. Just oh." He smiled teasingly as his hand reached out to stroke the bottom of my chin. I watched him intently as those dark eyes stared back at me.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

          "Just admiring you." He sighed, "If you didn't know already, I really missed you."

        "Oh, really?" I faked disbelief.

He nodded. "Really." He said before removing his hand and sitting up leaving my face cold. "Why're you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"Like what?" I fringed innocence.

          "Like you're mad."

"I'm not mad." I assured him.

        "Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

      He leaned his face down closer to mine and grinned, "You sure?"

"You've become more of a teaser since you've been gone." I noted, watching as a mischievous light flickered in his eyes.

       "You really think so?" He said, climbing out of the bed and stretching. "Maybe I've been hanging around Thomas and Dane too much." He said to himself as he walked over to his dresser to grab some clothes. "I'm going to get dressed, and pack a few things and then I'll drive you over to your place so you can do the same, okay?"

I pushed myself up in the bed as I watched him. "Okay." I agreed, getting ready to pull out my phone to call my brother to see what time he and his girlfriend would make it to our parents house. Before I could, Lee headed back over in my direction and laid a gentle kiss on my lips.

It was over as soon as it had started. I looked up at him a little caught off guard and slightly dazed. "What was that for?"

       "For teasing you earlier." He smiled, "You're just so cute, Simone, I can't help it sometimes." He chuckled before standing back up. "I'm going to go and get ready. Feel free to eat something." He told me as he headed to the bathroom and I rolled my eyes as I looked back to my phone, a huge grin on my face.

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