Chapter Fifty - Six

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Hey, Peeps, I've been SUPER lazy. I'm not quite sure how long I've gone without writing anything, I just know it's been a good minute. Lol. I hope everyone's been doing well, and that life has been treating you well. Also, thank you to my faithful readers who are patient with my out of wack updating schedule for this story (it's pretty nonexistent) 🤣 and Hello to all of my new readers. It's nice to meet you guys, and I'm thrilled that you've decided to join us all for the ride that is the 'His Series.'  My pride and joy. 🤍

Chapter Fifty - Six

I had never known what true peace felt like until I was on a car drive with Lee.

I looked out at the passing scenery, smiling at the quietness of our ride.

"Having fun?" Lee asked from the drivers seat.

I turned my eyes to him, "I feel like we've passed this tree already," I said seriously, "Are you sure you know where you're going?" I said, earning a slight twitch from the side of his mouth as he tried not to smile.

"I'm still a little unsure that you can actually drive since I've never see you in action," he replied, "So if I do end up driving around in circles you'll just have to bare with me, okay?" He said, taking my hand in his free one and holding it gently. "Your parents seemed pretty happy to know that I would be tagging along with you."

I leaned back in my seat, trying to get a little more comfortable for our long car drive and smiled. "What do you expect? They liked you from the moment they met you. I'm sure you have that effect on everyone."

Lee smiled. "I'm not so sure about that." He said, his words holding another meaning.

I frowned at him. "What's that supposed to mean? I didn't dislike you when I first met you?"

"Yeah, but you did make it known that you wanted nothing to do with me." He pointed out.

"Lee, what do you want me to say? I was freaked out. It was my first time meeting you in person. First, you are famous. Second, I find out you proposed to me. And third, you're well, you." I stressed. "Any normal person would've done the same."

"Nah, I think most people would've been thrilled at the opportunity to be engaged to me. If anything you're the weird one." He joked.

I shot my gaze in his direction. "You really think so?"

"I know so." He replied seriously.

I grinned. "Then you're the weird one for liking me."

Lee shrugged as he brushed off my comment, a smile dancing on his lips as he continued to drive, looking forward. "I don't care. I never said I was normal anyways."

- - -

After a few more hours of driving, and a stop or two so I could go to the restroom, we had finally arrived to my parents house. My mom and dad had already helped us get what little bags out of the car that we had brought with us and had already set the table for lunch. My mom smiled widely as she walked over to Lee, wrapping her arms around him to give him a hug.

"I'm so glad Simone decided to bring you along." She said, releasing him. "I was starting to wonder if we would ever see this dashing, young fellow again." She nudged me in the shoulder and my dad spoke up as he came around the corner, my brother Nathaniel and his girlfriend in tow.

"Mom, stop scaring the poor man." Nathaniel said as he grew closer to the group of people standing around in the dinning room. "If you manage to scare him off who knows how long before she can find another one. It's a miracle she was able to snag the one she has now." He joked, and I rolled my eyes as he pulled me into a hug.

"Nate, it's good to see you again. I've missed you." I said as he squeezed me a little tighter.

"and i've missed you." He said, pulling away gently. "So, is this the man I heard about last time?" He questioned, inspecting Lee. Not in a overly protective manner like most big brothers did, but in a genuinely curious way.

I nodded. "Yes, so please be nice." I told him sternly and he grinned.

"Aren't I always?" He laughed before motioning for the woman who was standing off to the side to come closer. When she did, he wrapped an arm around her waist, smiling widely. "This is my beautiful Angela. I'm glad that i'm finally able to let you guys all meet her officially."

I smiled at Angela. She was a pretty woman with bright red hair, almost like Victoria's, but she had carmel colored brown eyes and her skin was pale, but not as pale as Victoria's had been. "It's so nice to finally meet you." I said, opening up my arms to hug her. We had talked over the phone a time or two before and Angela had always seemed like a wonderful woman. She was an engineer and loved working on cars. She was a bit of a tomboy in Nate's opinion, but he loved her for it.

"It's so good to finally meet you as well, Simone." She grinned, "It's good to finally have a face to the voice."

I laughed as I pulled back. "Same." I replied just as Lee walked over and placed a gentle hand around my waist. "Nice to meet you both." He greeted.

Nate stuck a hand out. "So you're most definitely the man my sister has been telling me about." He answered confidently. Lee looked a little sheepish.

"I hope it wasn't anything bad." He said honestly. It was a little weird seeing Lee nervous.

Nate laughed. "Of course not. I don't think Simone could have anything bad to say about anyone even if she tried." He waved him off, "and besides, you're the first guy she's mentioned to me about dating so I'd say you're pretty important." He ended before looking back over to his parents. "Now how's about we all go and head to the table to eat lunch and catch up before the food gets cold." He suggested and Angela rolled her eyes as she playfully glared at him.

        "Your stomach's always in charge, huh, no matter the occasion, I see?"

He grinned. "Not when it comes to you though."

Angela rolled her eyes. "If you could, you'd trade me for a snicker bar."

"Make it two peanut butter cookies and I'm sold on the idea." He teased, taking her hand in his as she laughed. "Everyone follow after me." He said jokingly as he lead the way to the dining room, everyone else in tow.

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