Chapter Twenty - Nine

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*If you haven't seen Spider - Man: Far From Home you NEED to go and see it. It was amazing!

Chapter Twenty - Nine

If I was being honest with myself, I was still in the process of getting to know Lee. With each and every second that I spent with him, I always learned something new about him that I hadn't known before. Like the way he always seemed to smirk at me whenever he knew I was embarrassed, he never seemed to do that with his fans.

If anything, I had never known that Lee could even smirk until I met him. It was like he enjoyed watching me squirm, almost as if he enjoyed teasing me. Another thing I had noticed was that, even though Lee was quiet and polite whenever he was around other people like Victoria and Jason, the moment that one of his friends or even his cousin got around him, he turned into a completely different person. His sudden mood changes always threw me for a loop, it was crazy seeing the different sides of him when the media only portrayed him as one thing - cool, calm, and collected.

Although, if the news reporters could see him now..they'd be in for a surprise.

I watched quietly as Lee's pale fingers tightened around his water glass, his dark eyes focused on the man seated across from us who was currently occupying our table.

"You would think that I have a tracker on the back of my head or something." Lee said rather blandly as he stared hardly at the man who was currently sitting in front of us, munching loudly on a piece of toast that was covered in blueberry jam like he hadn't seen food in years. I tried to hold back my laughter as the man looked up from his food and smiled over at Lee innocently.

I guess I should clear some things up first. After Lee had stopped by my house so that I could take a shower and get a change of clothes, we had decided to go and grab some breakfast at a local cafe when we had run into someone we both hadn't expected to see so early in the morning, much less sitting at our table without a word of warning.

Thomas slurped down some more of his orange juice before going back to his toast. When he had finished, he picked up another piece of toast. "I guess it's just our lucky day, buddy," he said cheekily, winking at me, "I get to spend the morning with you two guys. This is like the best day ever for me." He waved his arm around, a piece of jelly flying across the table. "My bad." He said, reaching to wipe his mess up with a napkin.

Lee's left eye twitched. "Not that I don't enjoy your company, but where's your wife?" Lee questioned, slightly aggravated, "and would you stop chewing so loudly? I promise you don't have any home training." Lee said, holding out a napkin for him to take to wipe the crumbs off of his face.

Thomas snatched it away. I watched as Thomas gave Lee a mock smile as he wiped the corners of his mouth. "If you must know, she's at her parents house."

"and you aren't with her because?"

He rolled his eyes, "because, we don't have to be joined at the hip 24/7."

Lee almost snorted, but stopped himself. "Uh, yeah you do. You need someone to chaperone you around the clock." He told him, " I bet just the thought of you being out here roaming the streets on your own is giving her a panic attack right now." he said, before adding to the side, "I know I would be having one."

"You know what, Lee, I don't appreciate your sarcasm." Thomas pointed his toast at him.

"It wasn't sarcasm, it was the truth." He replied back.

Thomas took another bite of his toast. "This is why I don't call you a lot." He told him, before looking over at me. "So, Simone, how have you been?"

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