Chapter Forty - Three

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Hey, guys. This is just a SUPER short chappy chap! I haven't written anything in FOREVER, and honestly I'm just trying to get back into writing. So please be patient with meeeeeeh. Hope you guys have been doing well! Praying for you all through this whole COVID - 19 thing. I know it can be scary with everything we see on the news and with all that is going on around us, but put your focus on God, and remember that this is nothing new to him! He's NEVER lost a battle and he ain't losing this one. So stay safe, love others, encourage others, stand in the gap for those who can't. Be brave as you go out into the day whether you be a vender, retail worker, food industry worker(fast food workers, grocery store workers), childcare provider, healthcare worker, delivery man/woman, and everyone else who is on the frontlines. We LOVE you guys, and we're rooting for you all. Keep up the great work, and trust that God has ya'll covered. This too SHALL pass! 💜

Not edited.

Chapter Forty - Three

I stepped out of the taxi at Lee's apartment, my legs slightly wobbly as I made my way to the door. I urged myself to swallow the nervousness that crept up my throat and finally raised my hand to knock of the door, the first two knocks sealing my fate.

It was quiet for a moment before I heard some movement from the other side. After a few moments, the door flew open only to reveal Shi, Lee's cousin, standing in the doorway, a sketch book laying against her hip as she held it in place with her hand.

"Oh, hey Simone, how are you?" She said a little surprised, "Didn't know you're be dropping by today." She stepped aside so that I could walk in, but I held my place.

"I'm doing good, I was just dropping by to see if Lee was here? I really need to talk to him." I replied, "Is he here by any chance?"

Shi shook her head. "Sorry, I haven't seen him since this morning," she trailed before continuing, her face turning into a small frown. "Did you two have a fight or something?"

"Kind of," I trailed lamely. "I came to apologize."

She sighed. "Well, it's not like him to stay gone for too long, but I also have absolutely no experience with him being mad or anything. The concept seems almost foreign," she attempted to joke, "but I'm really not sure when he'll be back though. Do you want to come in and wait for him?" She asked.

"No, I think it'd be best if I just came back another time." I said, "Thank you though."

"You're welcome," she said with a small frown, "But Simone, don't worry too much. Lee is pretty level headed. Just give him some time and I'm sure he'll pop back up. I know he may seem like the master of all answers and emotions, but truth be told, he's just as fragile as anyone else. He'll come around."

"You're right." I agreed, "Thank you again, Shi. Bye." I waved before heading back out and calling another taxi to go back home.

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