Chapter Twenty - Seven

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Chapter Twenty - Seven

"So what movie are you in the mood for tonight?" Lee questioned as we sat down on his couch. We had finished eating over a little while ago and had cleaned the kitchen. Now we were scrolling through the endless television channels trying to find a movie.

I scanned the tv titles. "That one's fine." I told him, pointing to the title on the tv. Lee clicked into it and got up to turn off the lights before heading back over to the couch and handing me a small blanket to drape over myself.

"I figured you'd want something to keep you warm. I know it's a little chilly in here."

  "Thanks." I said, wrapping the blanket around my body and curling into a ball on the other side of the couch.

He smiled. "You're welcome."

We sat in silence for a while as the movie started to play. I peeked over at Lee, staring at his silhouette. His eyes were focused on the television, a hint of tiredness evident on his face. I pushed back my fear as I moved over to his side of the couch, laying my head against his shoulder."

He didn't say anything nor did he try to move away from me. "So spill, what's on your mind." He said after a moment.

I sighed, twisting the edge on the blanket between my fingers. "I feel kind of bad." I admitted.

He frowned and shifted his head to look down at me. His dark eyes watched me quietly. "What do you have to feel bad about?"

"Keeping you up so late. You always look so tired, and I think that maybe I should go home so you can actually get some rest." I commented.

Lee ruffled my hair. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." He promised me. "Is that all that's bothering you?"

I glanced up at him. "I don't know, I just feel like maybe we're moving too fast. I'm already freaking out about how you have to leave in two weeks and we're not even dating." I got out, "Even I know that that sounds a little bit crazy."

A grin slipped onto Lee's face, "The crazy girls are always the best." He said, trying his hardest not to laugh.

I pinched the side of his arm. "Ow!" He yelled, turning to me as he rubbed his arm, "What was that for?"

"You know what it was for." I told him, "I'm serious, Lee, what if I'm just some crazed stalker fan."

"I think you keep trying to convince yourself that you're crazy more than you're trying to convince me." He said, poking my forehead, "So maybe you are a little off your rocker." He joked, immediately throwing his hand up. "Kidding, Kidding." He assured me.

I removed my head from his shoulder, laying it back against the couch as I stared up at the ceiling. "Never mind that." I sighed, remembering the conversation I had had with Victoria earlier today. The Christmas party was in a week, and Lee would technically still be here. I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask him if he wanted to join me, or if I shouldn't even bother bringing it up at all, but since he was leaving I felt like I needed to spend as much time with him as possible.

I turned my head to him. "So, you don't leave until two weeks, right?" I asked.

"Right," He confirmed, "Why are you asking?"

I played with the top of the blanket, trying to ease my nerves. It wasn't like he would say no, would he? "My boss is throwing a Christmas party next week and I was wondering if you'd want to accompany me there as my date." I told him, "but I'd completely understand if you didn't. I know it would be a headache and all if anyone found out who you were." I said, shaking my head, "You know what, just forget I asked-" I went on as Lee's voice interrupted my rambling.

"You want me to go with you?" He questioned, his voice almost sounding surprised that I had even asked.

I nodded. "If you can't, I understand." I trailed when Lee's voice stopped me again.

"I'll come."

I paused. "You'll come?" I asked unsurely.

"Yeah, I'll come. I'm sure no one will notice me," He said almost as if he were trying to convince himself as he turned to give me a heart melting smile, "besides, this is the first date that you've asked me on. How could I just turn down the offer?"

"Are you sure you can come?"

"Positive." He replied, "Now come here." He motioned for me and I frowned at him.


"I kind of miss your head on my shoulder." He said simply.

I felt my cheeks heat as I laid my head back on his shoulder not saying a word. Lee laughed.

"You're cute, Simone." He chuckled, "We're going to have to help you overcome that shyness of yours," He pinched my cheek, laying his arm around my shoulder and giving me a tiny squeeze as he turned his eyes back to the tv screen. I followed his gaze, trying to hide the smile that desperately wanted to surface upon my face.

I couldn't wait to see the look on his face when I asked him if I could spend the night, I thought, I knew it would surely throw him for a loop and wipe that smug smile off of his face.

Not that I was complaining.

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