Chapter Twenty - Three

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Fun fact: So I REALLY didn't want to write another chapter today, but I sat down and wrote one sentence that eventually turned into 1200+ words. x'D So, I guess my writers block is slowly going away. Lol. Hope you guys are having a great day and that you enjoy this chapter. 

Not edited

Chapter Twenty - Three 

      "So, have you called him yet?" Victoria urged, a box of tissues laid against her chest, her bright red hair thrown up into a messy bun as she laid sprawled out on her queen size bed, her yellow polka dot pajamas on display. She shifted her green eyes back over to me once more, waiting for me to finally answer. "Well?" she said again, this time louder. 

I rolled my eyes as I stepped into her room and took a seat at her desk chair that was on the opposite side of the bed so that I didn't get sick if she was still contagious. "Victoria, I just left work less than two hours ago. I'm pretty sure that Lee isn't sitting by his phone waiting for me to call as soon as I finish work." I told her, "I'll call him whenever I leave your house. I just wanted to come and check up on you. How are you feeling?" I frowned when I noticed just how pale her skin was. 

Victoria sighed. "You're no fun, Simone." She pouted as she pushed herself up in the bed so that she could get a better look at me. "I'm feeling better. I haven't thrown up in the past six hours, so I'd say that i'm getting better. Phillip dropped by a couple of hours ago and brought me some soup and crackers. He's a keeper." she said dreamily. 

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're not thinking about dumping him yet?" I asked curiously, knowing that Victoria never kept the same guy for more than a few weeks, but Phillip had lasted the longest. I had only met him a couple of times whenever I came over to Victoria's house as he was leaving for work or to go back home, but the two of us had never really had the chance to sit down and have a conversation. Although, he seemed like a nice guy. A little different from the guys that Victoria usually dated, but that was a good thing. 

Victoria waved her hand in front of her face as if I had said something stupid. "Of course, I love Phillip. He is so caring. I've never had a guy go out of his way to make sure that I have everything I need 24/7. He even took me to meet his parents a week ago." 

My mouth dropped. "You met his parents and you didn't tell me?" 

She shrugged. "You're dating Lee and you're just now telling me." She said trying to brush the attention off of herself. 

I threw my hands up. "Yeah, that's because it just happened!" I shouted, "Victoria, this is serious. You've never met any of the guy's parents that you've dated before. You really do like Phillip!" 

        "He's a sweetheart." She said, "Plus he's really smart. It kind of makes me feel dumb at times." 

"What does he do? I thought he worked at some firm across town." I asked. 

Victoria grinned sheepishly. "About that.." she trailed. 

       "Victoria, what haven't you told me?" 

"Well, he does work at a firm across town." She said. 


"But," she dragged on, "He doesn't just work there, his father owns it. His family is kind of a big deal." 

I gasped. "Shut up." 

She laughed. "What? It wasn't like I knew he was some big time business man's son. He's just so down to earth and he never really brought it up until a couple of weeks ago. I was shocked at first, but I'm over it now." 

"Wow." I breathed. "I never would've thought." 

"Me either." Victoria smiled. "That reminds me. Phillip is taking off this Saturday to take me out for dinner if i'm feeling better. I shouldn't be contagious anymore by then, but I hope that I can at least eat something other than soup." she laughed, "but Phillip wanted to know if you wanted to join us? He wants to get to know you. He says the only words you two have ever said to one another was 'Hello' and 'Goodbye'." She said, "So what do you say, think you'd be up for it?" 

       "I'd love to, but I don't think i'll be able to eat out with you guys this Saturday though."

Victoria frowned. "Why not?" 

"I have a date with Lee this Saturday." 

She shrieked loudly, "No way! Oh my goodness," she exclaimed, "You know what? Why don't you and Lee come and eat out with us Saturday? You know, like a double date? It'd be so much fun, Simone!" 

      "Victoria, I don't know. I don't think, Lee-" I started as the ringing of my phone cut me off. I reached down into my purse, pulling out my phone to see Lee's name pop up. I sent a look to Victoria who was looking over at me smugly as I held the phone up to my ear. "Hey, Lee, what's going on?" I asked. 

"Nothing much, just wanted to hear your voice." He replied back happily; although, his voice sounded a little bit tired, "What are you up to?" He asked. 

      As I got ready to reply, I felt the phone being snatched from my hands as Victoria pulled it from my fingers and held it to her face, running back to the other side of the room. "Hey, Lee -This is Victoria. Simone's just hanging at my house right now." She said into the phone, ignoring my glare as she continued, "So hey, I was just telling Simone that my boyfriend wanted to take me out to dinner this Saturday and wanted to take Simone out with us as well, but she said that you two have a date this Saturday." She stated, "Yeah, so I was thinking. What do you say about a double date this Saturday? Phillip and I, and you and Simone? It'll be a lot of fun." She smiled into the receiver. "Okay, great! I'll let Simone know. Yep, alrighty, bye." She said hanging the phone up and tossing it back in my direction. 

I caught it in my hands and glared back at her. "I thought you were sick." I stated annoyed. 

Victoria laid back down on her bed. "I am, but I saw an opportunity and I took it." She replied, "Lee said that he had to go and that he would call you back later tonight." She said wiping her nose with a tissue, "He also said that a double date this Saturday would be great." She added cheekily. 

I thought about shoving her off of her bed, but that wouldn't be very nice. I let out a sigh, rolling my eyes at her. "You better not make this awkward." I said, thinking about Phillip. "Do you think it'll be okay for Lee to be around Phillip? I mean, what if he finds out about who Lee is?" 

         She waved a hand. "Trust me, he won't make a scene." 

"How do you know?" I questioned.

She gave me a look that said 'stop stressing out so much.' 

         "Trust me, I just know." she replied. 

I relaxed a little bit. "Okay, then I guess we have a double date for this Saturday then." I confirmed. 

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