Chapter Twenty - Four

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Chapter Twenty - Four

We sat out front of the Seafood restaurant that Phillip had suggested taking us to the night before. It was only about forty minutes away from my apartment and hadn't taken too long to find. I relaxed in the passenger seat of Lee's car as the radio played softly around us. Victoria and Phillip were running a little late, so Lee and I were just sitting in his car while we waited for them in the parking lot of the restaurant.

        "Thanks for this," I said after awhile of sitting in silence. I shifted my eyes to Lee to see him typing something on his phone before turning it off and sitting it off to the side to look at me. I smiled. "I know it pretty much ruins whatever you had planned for us tonight, but I hope it doesn't take away from our first date if we can even still call it that." I said sheepishly.

Lee tapped his long fingers against the arm rest, the side of his hand gently brushed against mine. He stopped tapping his fingers and intertwined our hands together. "As long as I get to spend time with you, I'm happy," he replied, turning his dark eyes in my direction, amusement written all over his face, "besides, from what little I do know about Victoria, I know that she can be a little persistent, for a better lack of words."

I laughed a little, squeezing his hand in mine, finding that I liked the way that our hands fit together. "You're not wrong." I replied back, "She usually does have a way of getting people to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants."

            "I guess I should thank her then."

"For what?" I asked, frowning.

Lee smiled. "For somehow convincing you to call me that night awhile back." He said, giving my hand a squeeze, "If i'm being honest, I was a little scared that you wouldn't want to have anything to do with me after you found out I had bought you that ring. I was afraid I had scared you off."

I felt my cheeks heat suddenly, causing me to turn my head to the side embarrassedly. "There's no way you waited for me to call." I said almost as if it was the most absurd thing I had ever heard.

Not even a second later, I felt Lee's hand gently grab the bottom of my chin as he pulled my head back around to face him. "Is it so hard to believe that you've had me within your grasp since the first day I saw you?" He said softly.

      I felt my heart pounding as I opened my mouth. "At the bar?" I asked, already knowing that was probably what he was talking about. That had been the first time he had seen me.

Lee stared at me for a moment before he shook his head.

I frowned again. "Then where-" I started before I cut my own self off, directing all of my attention on him. "You, the concert-"

       He beat me to it. "That night at the concert I looked out at the crowd of screaming fans like I always did, brushing over each and everyone of them, feeling the same way that I always do during a performance, emotionless...detached, but then," he stopped, "then I saw you."

"I didn't think you saw me. You looked right through me."

          "No, I saw you," he replied, "It was by the grace of God that I ran into you in that bar. I really do like you, Simone."

I swallowed hardly. "I like you too."

        Lee grinned. "You're nervous." he said, releasing my face and unlocking our hands.

"Am not." I said back immaturely, missing the warmth of his skin against my hand.

Lee gave me a look that told me that he thought otherwise, before letting out a yawn. "Sorry." he said.

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