Chapter Forty - Eight

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What, is this a November update I see? 🍁 Hi, guys! So sorry I've been slacking in the writing department lately, my mind's just been all over the place. I want to try to give writing another go. I haven't done it in SO long, so I might be a little rusty.

One thing I can say about depression, is that when it hits its not always sudden, it can be a gradual thing that starts off as feeling eh, to losing interest in things you used to love (in my case writing), to being indifferent about the world and everyone around you. It's a process. Sometimes you're Up & Sometimes you're Down, but everyday you have a choice to chose whether you'll continue to be down or up. I know it's hard, but if you're struggling with depression, we got this. 💙

Not edited

Chapter Forty - Eight

If I was being honest, I was tired. I had spent the entire morning checking the times and venue for the upcoming concert tonight. Lee didn't know that I had planned on going, but he had extended the offer the night before that if I did show up, I would just have to tell the people at the ticket booth who I was and they would take care of the rest.

I had figured since it was my day off and I didn't have anything else to do that I might as well go to the concert, plus, I missed Lee. It had almost been a month since I'd seen him, but I had been talking on the phone with him a few times a week to make up for the distance.

It was now a little after five, but the concert didn't start until seven o'clock, and lucky for me, the venue was only about forty minutes away.

I had already washed my hair earlier and had decided to leave it curly so that I could put it in a low side ponytail. I pulled on a pair of dark, blue jeans and slipped into my orange blouse that was covered in tiny pink flowers. When I was done, I slid on some short black heels and grabbed my purse.

I glanced over at my phone to see that it was close to six ten. If I didn't hurry, I would get there late and be stuck standing in line forever.

I quickly grabbed my keys, and headed outside in order to get a taxi. I waited around ten minutes before an older gentlemen pulled up, and I hopped in. As soon as the taxi pulled off from my apartment, my phone began to ring. I looked down to see that Lee was calling.

I chose to ignore it. I wanted him to be surprised to see me tonight since I hadn't told him that I was going to the concert. I put my phone back into my purse and smiled nervously as I directed the taxi driver on where to go. Hopefully he'd be just as excited to see me as I was him.

- - -

When we pulled up to the venue it was a little past seven o'clock, so the concert was probably just getting started. I paid the driver and exited the car, heading up to where the ticket booth was. There were a few people in line before me, but it moved pretty fast. When I finally made it to the booth, a man with dark brown hair smiled.

"Ticket please." He said, holding out his hand.

"I don't have a ticket," I started, and he smiled dropped as a frown began to take it's place. I held my hand out, "Wait, I was told that all I had to do was say who I was, and i'd be let in. My name is Simone-" before I could finish my sentence, recognition lit the man's face.

"I apologize, you don't even have to finish. You're Lee's guest for tonight." He said, waving to me, "Hurry now. The concerts just begun, we don't want you missing out on anything." He said, pointing me in the direction of a younger man who led me to where I needed to be seated.

When we entered the place where the concert was taking place, the man escorted me to a seat right up front with a few other people. I took my seat, and watched as the dark lights suddenly started to turn back on, and the band appeared. Everyone stood up, and I pushed myself up from my seat.

Lee hadn't noticed me yet, but I had seen him. He was sitting in front of his drums, a small smile on his face as he looked out at the crowd. So much different from the last time, I thought, thinking back on his other concert I had attended before I knew him. He had looked so detached the last time.

Before the music began, Thomas talked to the crowd, letting them know just how happy he was to be here. Lee took his talking as an opportunity to scan the front row, where he saw me standing off at a distance. When his eyes finally connected with mine, his smile grew even bigger, it was almost contagious.

I couldn't help myself, but smiled back, letting out a sigh of relief. He was happy I came.

"So, are you guys ready to have some fun!" Thomas shouted, snapping me out of my trance. The crowd shouted back, cheering before the band began to play drowning them out.

When the concert had come to the end, the band had said their goodbyes and disappeared behind the curtains. I had taken that as my cue to go ahead and leave so that I could try to get a taxi back home. I exited the building, brushing past other people. As soon as I made it out of the building, the cool air of the night hit my face and I smiled. The concert had been fun. I was a little sad that I hadn't gotten the chance to talk to Lee face to face, but I knew that that was mostly my part. I didn't want people to know that we were dating, and if he spoke to me at the concert, then everyone would know.

I let out a sigh as I waited for a taxi to pull up. I had waited for about five minutes, before a taxi finally came. I was in the process of getting in when a hand clapped the back of my shoulder, stopping me. I jumped a little, before turning around to see who it was.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" I asked the man. He had dark brown hair, and was dressed in a black shirt with gray slacks. He smiled at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry, my name's Gerald. I swear I always make the worse first impressions," the man grumbled before shaking his head and getting back on subject. "But as I was saying, I'm Gerald. I work for the band as their bus driver. I was instructed to retrieve you after the concert was over and take you back to the hotel where Lee was staying at."

A million things started to spin inside my head. "Why?"

Gerald shrugged. "I don't ask questions, I just do what i'm told."

I frowned slightly. Did he know that Lee and I were..?

"I see you have that worried look on your face." The man pointed out, "Trust me, I don't know why he wants to see you, all I was told was that you were a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. So, can you follow me? I'd sure hate for people to realize who I was and then get suspicious about why you're with me."

My heart dropped slightly, as I looked around nervously.

The man laughed. "Again, just joking. People never seem to give me a second glance when the other guys in the band are around, so I seriously doubt that they'd remember what I looked like." He said, smiling. "Now let's go, the night isn't getting any younger."

- - -

The hotel hadn't been more than twenty minutes away from the venue. We had entered the building, and headed up to the fifth floor where Lee's room would be. As we stopped in front of the hotel room, Gerald looked me in the eyes. "I'm not sure if i'll be seeing you again, but it was a pleasure." He smiled, before walking off.

I turned back around to the door, and lifted my hand up to knock on the door. Within a few seconds, the door slowly opened, and there stood Lee in a white shirt and a pair of pants. His black hair hung across his forehead, slightly drenched, most likely from a shower. He gave me a smile that caused butterflies to explode in my stomach.

"Hey, Simone."

I smiled back, happiness filling me as I took his hand and followed him inside. "Hey, Lee. I've missed you."

- - -

Ugh, that was rough to write, but i'm slowly getting back into the grove of writing. Lol guys, this book still has SO many chapters left. We really haven't even touched the surface yet. This is probably going to be my longest book in the 'His Series' ya'll pray for me. It's going to be a LONG ride, but I promise it'll be a fun one for sure. :D

His Solace (Book 3) (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz