Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

After about thirty minutes of trying to decide where we wanted to eat, we ended up settling on a fast food restaurant called, 'Berny's Burgers and things' They were pretty popular. It had always been the best place to go if you weren't sure about what you wanted to eat. You could either get a burger or things - those things usually being hotdogs, nachos, friend pickles, and the list goes on - the place was basically like a big football concession stand.

I dipped my second chip into the hot nacho cheese, lifting it up to my mouth as I took a small bite. I grinned when I saw Lee take another bite of his burger. He noticed me watching and stopped chewing.

        "What?" He asked curiously, "Do I have ketchup on my face or something?"

I shook my head in amusement. "No, it's not that. It's just that I didn't really realize how much you could eat. The first time we ate out, you didn't eat that much, but tonight," I said, pointing to the burger in his hand and then to the side of nachos and texas toast sitting out in front of him, "I think you've ordered the whole menu." I deadpanned. "I guess I pegged you as a health junkie." 

Lee caught me by surprise when he almost snorted, trying to keep his laughter back. "Me?" He said almost in disbelief, "A health junkie? Please." He smiled, "If anything, i'm probably the worse person to take healthy eating advice from. I'm a rockstar. I'm on the road majority of the time, I'm lucky if I can even get a good home cooked meal twice a month." He said, wiping the side of his mouth and sitting down his burger. "Kaitlyn is the only one that actually cooks nowadays, the other guys don't do it too much, and i'm sad to say that I'm only good at baking." He grinned, "I have a bit of a sweet tooth if you didn't already know."

         "Okay, I didn't know that that is actually new news to me." I said honestly, "and Kaitlyn? That's the woman that Jack married last year, right?" I asked. I had remembered seeing the headlines when Jack had finally gotten hitched. It had been such a sudden thing, but they seemed happy.

Lee nodded. "Yeah, she's a sweet woman. I think being around the band has pulled her out of her shell too. She's really happy and a big help."

I nodded. "She seems nice from what I've read about her. Pretty too."

"You're pretty." Lee said simply.

"Thanks..but I wasn't talking about me." I giggled nervously. Lee shrugged.

"I know." He said wiping his mouth with the side of his napkin. "I know this is off subject, but can I ask you a question?"

I sat down my drink. "Yeah, of course, what's wrong?"

"That guy I saw you with at the fair.." he trailed, almost as if he was waiting for me to finish for him.

"Jason," I supplied.

"Jason," Lee repeated back as if he was trying to see if his mouth liked the name. "Who was he? A friend?"

"Yeah, I guess you could call us that, but that was the first time we really hung out, or talked. He works at the same building that I work at but in a different department."

"Hmm." Was all Lee said.

"Hmm?" I asked, "I feel like there's more you want to say."

He smiled. "Just testing the waters is all." He replied back, taking a look at his phone as it began to ring. He let out a sigh when he noticed the name that popped up on his screen. He shot his eyes to me as if saying sorry as he lifted the phone to his ear.

"Hello." He answered slightly aggravated. He sat quietly for awhile not saying anything back, before he spoke up a moment later. "No, it's fine. No really, I'll do it. Yeah - I understand," he replied slowly, "I'll meet you there in a few and pick her up." He said, ending the phone call and placing it back down onto the table. "Sorry." He said.

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