Chapter Forty - Four

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Hey, everybody! Hope everyone is doing well. :D Decided to post another chapter for today. Hope you guys enjoy.
Not edited. 💖

Chapter Forty - Four

After I exited the taxi, I headed towards my apartment, stopping as I stepped around the corner. There was a man standing at my door, his back turned towards me. At first fear crippled me thinking that it could be Jason, but as I inched a little closer my heart relaxed.

I watched as the man lifted his hand to knock on my door, before changing his mind and bringing his hand back down to his side, letting out a long sigh.

I took a step forward. "Lee?" I said. Lee quickly turned around in my direction, confusion filling his handsome face.

"You-" he stopped, "You weren't home just now, were you?" He asked, his voice deflating, although it seemed like he had already figured that much out. "I feel like such an idiot. I-" he pointed to the locked door beside him, "I thought you were purposely ignoring me. I should've known better though." He glanced over at me. "Where are you coming from?"

I looked down at the ground, avoiding his gaze. "Funny that you ask that. I had wanted to I went to your apartment and didn't find you there - just Shi." I said, playing with the bottom of my shirt before meeting his gaze full on. "Lee, I'm sorry for making you feel the way that I did. I know I never take your opinions into consideration, and that I should've at least listened to what you had to say instead of just shutting you out and flipping out on you..again." I continued lamely. "Are you still mad?"

Lee's lip twitched upwards slightly. "Never was. A little ticked off, yes, but I can't be mad at you." He replied, pulling me into a hug as he sat his chin on the top of my head. I hugged him back as I laid against his chest.

"So, if you didn't go to your apartment when you stormed out earlier, where did you go?"

I felt him sigh against my hair. "Well, if you want me to be honest, I was headed to your workplace."

I frowned. "Why there?"

"To give Jason a piece of my mind," he said matter of factly, "but then I realized that I just couldn't go up there looking like - well, me - and secondly, I remembered that I didn't even know if he would be working today, but sadly, the thing that determined it all was the fact that your workplace isn't even open for another two days."

I turned my eyes up to him. "Lee, I don't want you confronting, Jason. If I'm wrong about him, then you'll get in trouble, and even if I am right about him, you'll still get in trouble. I don't want the media trying to make you into someone that you're not just because you're trying to defend me. They don't even know that we're dating yet to top it off." I tried to explain my concern.

"I don't care what the media thinks, Simone." He said plainly.

    "But I do."

"It seems that when I'm around you, all sense of logic leaves my brain." He continued, "This must be what Thomas feels like 24/7." I chuckled, and shook my head. "Fine, I won't confront him, I'll let you talk to him first, but only at your work setting." He ordered, "But if anything happens, and he is stalking you or whatever, I'm taking over. I still don't like this, Simone, but I'm going to trust you to handle it." He turned his eyes down to me, "but if I find out that he even breathes in your direction the wrong way, he's answering to me, and I don't care what the media says or does after that. Deal?" He said sternly.

I took his hand in my, squeezing it gently. "Deal."

- - -
So good idea or bad idea letting Simone handle Jason?

And how do you guys think Jason will react to Simone confronting him?

Annnnnnd who's ready for a NEW character introduction??? Hehehe 😗🤪

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