Chapter Forty - Seven

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Uh, not sure what to say, but hey guys! It's been FOREVER. I'm at the doctor right now just chilling, so I thought I'd post this chapter. Hope you're all having a great day. 🌸
Not edited

Chapter Forty - Seven

A week had passed since I had last talked to Lee. I hadn't tried calling him, because I knew he was probably busy with rehearsal and tired with all the traveling that he and the band had to do. I had hoped that maybe when things slowed down for him that he would call me or send me a text message, but he never did.

I didn't take it to heart though, because I hadn't tried to call or text him either. But it still bugged me a little that we hadn't been talking to one another in so long, one reason being that his birthday was tomorrow, and I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate for me to text or call him on his birthday since he would most likely be busy with his friends and family.

I sighed a little, looking down at the blank computer screen in front of me. I seriously needed to stop stressing out over the small details and just call him. It would at least put me out of my misery.

"Hey, why're you looking so lost over here?" Victoria said from the side of my work cubicle. I turned my eyes to her. Today she had thrown her bright, red hair up into a bun, and had decided to wear a plain blue shirt and a pair of black slacks.

I gave her a look that told her exactly what she needed to know.

"Oh, you haven't talked to Lee in a while." She stated, not asking.

I nodded, "I mean, I know he's busy and all, and that I shouldn't feel like a bother because we're dating, but I just feel like if I text or call him that it'll inconvenience him."

Victoria gave me a dry look. "Has Lee ever told you that you bother or inconvenience him?"

"No, but-"

"But nothing," she waved her hand. "You've gotta stop assuming things that aren't even true. I'm sure if you called Lee right now he'd pick up or respond back as soon as he could."

I sighed, "I know."

"But?" Victoria urged.

"I just feel like I'll be wasting his time."

Victoria shook her head. "Trust me, you won't. That's just your feelings talking." She told me, "Do me a favor. When you get a chance, call him."

- - -

After I got home, ate, took a bath, laid down in bed, and talked myself out of calling him four times, I finally made up my mind and just hit the call button.

    After a few rings, Lee's voice could be heard over some light music and chattering in the background. "Simone," he said. His voice almost sounded surprised, but funnily relieved.

"Hey, Lee," I replied back, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything. I just wanted to call and say Happy Birthday."

     "Thank you, I appreciate it, and it's fine. You know you can call me whenever." There was some movement before he started talking again, "Sorry I haven't kept in contact that much this past week. I've just been all over the place with tour and then this birthday party. I know it's no excuse."

I laughed a little, "No, it's fine. I completely understand. If anything I should've tried reaching out to you earlier." I told him, "So what are you doing now? I hear music in the background."

I could practically see his smile in my head as he spoke. "A couple of my family and friends, and of course the guys in the band all got together to throw me a party for my birthday. I know this is supposed to be one of the least stressful days of my life, but I feel like I have to keep cleaning up behind a certain someone every five seconds."

I smiled. "Pretty sure I can guess who." I teased, knowing that it was probably Thomas. He seemed like the type who likes to cause trouble easily, whether he intended to or not. "Well, I'm going to let you get back to your party. I'll talk to you tomorrow or whenever you're free."

      "I can talk tomorrow," he agreed. "Thanks for calling again. I missed hearing your voice."

"Same," I replied. "Do you guys have any concerts coming up soon?"

      "We actually have one tomorrow night." He said. "Why? Do you want to come?"

"Uh, no. I was just -"

       "Well, if you have any free time tomorrow night I'd like for you to know, if you can."

"I might not be able to make it." I told him, not knowing why I was lying. I could definitely go tomorrow since it wasn't a work day and I had two days off, but I didn't want to seem imposing.

      "Okay, well, if you change your mind, you can just show up at the concert and talk to the person behind the ticket booth and they'll let you in, no charge." He said again.

I nodded. "Thank you again. I'll remember that."

      "Good." He let out a small sigh. "Bye, Simone."

"Bye, Lee."

      "I miss you, and miss seeing you." He said, making my heart speed up a little bit.

"I miss you too, Lee."

      "Then-" he had started before another voice interrupted him. "Hey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." He promised before hanging the phone up.

I laid my phone down on my nightstand and laid back in bed staring up at the ceiling. Victoria had been right about me not being a bother by calling Lee. So if I did decide to show up at the concert tomorrow, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He had invited me after all, I was just the only one overthinking everything.

I sighed a little before turning on my side to go to sleep. If I was going to make it to that concert tomorrow night I'd need to get some rest.

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