Chapter Forty - Nine

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I'm still a little rusty when it comes to writing 😭 I promise I'll go back through and edit these last two chapters. I'm just trying to get used to writing again, guys. 🤍
Not edited

Chapter Forty - Nine

As I entered Lee's hotel room, I noticed the small table off to the side that had two covered plates of food. I eyed Lee, and he winked.

"I figured I'd get you something to eat before you high jacked it back to your apartment." He said, reaching for my purse and setting it off to the side, leading me to the table and pulling out a chair for me, before sitting down on his side.

I laughed as I removed the sliver cover from the plate to see steak, mash potatoes, and asparagus decorating the plate neatly. I grabbed my fork, sending him a look. "How did you get all of this ready when you didn't know if I'd even come tonight?" I asked.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I had a little bit of help, of course." He shrugged, "but I was really glad you decided to come tonight. I've missed you too." He said, replying back to my earlier statement.

I took a bite of my food, savoring the taste before wiping my mouth. "I almost forgot. Happy late birthday. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything." I said, "I'll make it up to you some other time." I promised.

He shook his head. "No worries, just you being here is enough for me." He stated.

I chuckled. "That's so lame."

He shrugged. "Then call me lame." He replied playfully before letting out a sigh. "Simone," he started.

"Yeah?" I asked nervously, not really understanding the sudden change in the atmosphere.

"There's something I need to tell you. I had hoped that I could've just brushed it off, but I can't."

"What is it?"

He looked me in the eyes. "My band mates know I'm dating you. Well, they don't know that I'm dating you necessarily, but they do know that I'm seeing someone and what your name is."

I swallowed a little, not sure how I felt.

"I know how you must feel, but it was an accident. Thomas got a little drunk on my birthday night, and mentioned that I had been seeing someone a lot lately, which was you, and I wasn't able to change the subject, so I just told them the truth." He said, "I promise they won't tell anyone. It can still be between you and me."


"Okay?" He repeated.

"Okay." I said again, "It's okay. If you say they won't tell anyone, I trust they're your friends, I feel a little bad that I even made you keep it a secret from them in the first place. I'm sorry."

Lee's face looked relieved. "You don't have to apologize." He said, taking my hand in his. "I promise that no one else will know the extent of our relationship until you're ready."

I shook my head. "You don't have to promise that, Lee. That's too much responsibility."

"Still." He continued, "I'll try." He said kissing the top of my hand. "Now finish eating and I'll get you home."

"Lee, I live like a hour away from here. I can take a taxi."

"No, I really don't like you taking a taxi everywhere." He picked up his fork, "plus, I would feel a lot better if I dropped you off." He started, "or-"

"Or?" I questioned.

"You could spend the night, and I could get Gerald to drop you off in the morning. What do you say? Do you have work tomorrow?"

"No, I don't have work tomorrow, but I don't know about spending the night."

"Why not? I can even sleep on the floor." He suggested.

"You don't have to sleep on the floor. It's just that-"

"Just say, yes, Simone. It'll be okay."

"I know it'll be okay." I said before giving in. "Okay, I'll stay the night. I don't have any extra clothes though."

He waved his hand. "No worries, I'll take care of it."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You'll take care of it, or you already took care of it?" I questioned him suspiciously. "Because somehow I feel like you've had this all planned out from the start."

He grinned, "who knows." He nudged my foot under the table. "Now hurry up and eat so we can get you situated for the night."

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