Chapter Thirty - Six

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[Hey Guys: So a couple of years ago I started to 'talk' to this guy I had met at a church camp. He was a cool guy, and I really thought that I liked him. We talked everyday and night nonstop, but on one particular day I had to work and wasn't able to talk to him until later on that night. ALL throughout the day he began blowing up my phone with texts and phone calls back to back. He found me on every social media platform that I had and sent me over 14 messages on each one! Then when I finally called him back that same night, he accused me of 'playing hard to get' and that was why I hadn't replied back to his messages. So after that, I ended our communication and told him plainly that I was no longer interested. So a couple of days passed by before he started texting me non stop and calling me back to back, so I blocked him. THEN a couple of months later, he began texting and calling me from all of these different numbers (assuming he was using a fake number app) I used to feel so sick. I hated leaving my house because I was always scared that he would see me out in public and what not. A WHOLE year went by before I eventually got my number changed and haven't heard from him since. All I'm saying is that guys are crazy, not all of them, but MOST of them, no matter how normal they may seem in the beginning they can develop an unhealthy obsession over you. Still to this day I can't even think about having a romantic relationship with anyone whose name starts with a 'J' because it reminds me of him. (Anyone have similar experiences?)
Not edited.

Chapter Thirty - Six

When I arrived home after work, I headed up to my apartment, stopping at the door when I noticed a small brown box sitting beside it. I bent down, frowning as I picked the box up and headed inside.

After I locked my door and sat down my purse, I sat down on my couch and opened the tiny box, pulling out a piece of white paper.

For one beautiful lady. It read. I sat the paper to the side and reached into the box, pulling out a pair of diamond earrings. They were beautiful, I thought as I inspected them. Had Lee gotten them for me? The thought made me happy.

I dropped the earrings back down into the box and glanced over at my phone. It was now five thirty, I had a good hour and a half to get ready before I had to leave for the party.

I sat the box off to the side and headed back into my room to take another shower and start getting ready.

After I had showered and gotten my dress on, I reached for my flat iron, planning on straightening my hair for the night when I decided against it. I'll just wear my natural curls, I told myself, they looked better with the dress anyways.

I sat the straightener back down and grabbed the box of earrings from earlier, slipping them on. I took a quick look at myself in the mirror admiring how everything had came together. I smiled slightly, thinking what Lee's expression would be once he saw me in the dress.

As the clock struck six twenty, I hurried and grabbed my purse, throwing my wallet into it and slipping on my heels. I applied a little bit of lipgloss. I had opted out on the eyeshadow, but had managed to put on a little bit of blush and highlighter to make my cheeks pop.

There - perfect, I said to myself as I looked at my reflection once more before heading out of my room door, shutting off all the lights behind me as I exited my apartment to catch a taxi.

- - -

Victoria looked beautiful tonight, but then again she had always had a knack for looking impeccable no matter where she went. Her bright red hair hung in loose ringlets around her shoulders, her long dark green dress falling to the floor. She had one of her arms looped together with Phillip's as he smiled down at her.

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