Chapter Twenty - Five

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Chapter Twenty - Five

"Funny, didn't think you were much of a secret keeper." Jason had said so fast that I almost hadn't heard the bitterness that laced his words as he spoke; although, he had somehow managed to mask the bitterness as playful teasing. 

I stopped what I had been working on and turned away from my computer, shifting my eyes to the large man who was currently peering over the top of my cubicle, a blue and white checkered shirt adorning his body, with his signature pair of long khaki pants. I frowned up at him, "What?" I asked, still a little thrown off by his abrupt statement. I hadn't talked to Jason in two days. This had been the first time Jason had spoken to me since meeting Lee the day in the cafeteria. He hadn't walked passed my cubicle or tried to offer me a ride home like he usually did.  

Jason took his time in replying as he laid his arms on top of the white cubicle, a cup of coffee sitting in his right hand. "You know what i'm talking about," He said as though it was obvious, "The whole boyfriend thing. If I had known you were dating someone I wouldn't have asked you out. I kind of feel like an idiot for asking you out a few weeks ago." 

I didn't exactly know how to address his statement, so I apologized. "I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't dating him when you asked me out." I said, trying to make our exchange seem less tense. 

"It doesn't." He replied, a thin line on his lips before he quickly changed it to a smile. "Come on, Simone, I'm just joking. Don't worry about it, it's no big deal, really." He chuckled, glancing down at his watch. "Well, looks like lunch break is over. I'd better get back to my post. Bye, Simone." He waved as he walked off leaving me in utter confusion, trying to shake the slight unease of his weird behavior away. 

I'm overreacting, I told myself, turning back to my computer when Victoria cut around the corner, passing Jason. When she stopped at our cubicle she frowned down at me. "What did Jason want?" She asked, handing me a bottle of water and a bag of chips. I took them from her, sitting them down on my desk. 

         "Nothing." I replied, opening the bag of chips on my desk. 

Victoria gave me a look. "I know we used to always faun over how good looking and attractive Jason was from afar and everything, because don't get me wrong, he is nice to look at." She admitted, "But I don't know, now that you know him a little better, doesn't he seem..I don't know how to put this," she tried looking for the words before pointing her finger at me, "a little off?" She finished as she took a bite of her sandwich. 

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure you're just reading too much into it." I said, popping a chip into my mouth. 

Victoria threw her hands down in her lap, almost dropping her sandwich. "I'm serious, Simone. Now that i've been around him in close proximity, I just feel weird. He gives off a creepy vibe." 

I ignored her. "You're overreacting, relax." I told her, desperately needing to change the subject. "So, are your bringing Phillip to the Christmas party?" 

         She shrugged. "I hadn't really thought about it, but I guess I could." She said after a moment. "Are you bringing, Lee?" 

I looked at her as if she had lost her mind. "What?" I sputtered. "No way. Absolutely not." 

          "And why not?" 

I waved my hands in the air. "Because what if someone notices him?" 


"So?" I copied her, "If everyone finds out who Lee is they'll try to be all over him and never leave him alone, including me." I added. 

Victoria grinned. "If that's the worse that can happen, then you need help. Live a little." 

            "I do want to live a little," I replied before adding, "in private." 

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Okay, i'm dropping the subject." She said throwing her hand in the air to cut me off. "So are you going to see him tonight?" She questioned. 

I nodded. "Yeah, after work i'm going to get a taxi and go over to his place for a little while." I told her, "Just to hang out." I added after I saw the suggestive look she had sent in my direction. 

She sighed as if I had just ruined her dreams. "Well, do you want me to drive you?" She offered. 

I shook my head. "No, it's fine. I can get a taxi." 

She turned back to her computer after finishing her sandwich. "Okay, but if you change your mind let me know, alright." 

I smiled. "Trust me, I will." I said, turning back to my computer to finish the work I had been working on earlier before Jason had interrupted me. I still couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I got when I thought about Jason. This hadn't been the first time he had switched up during a conversation before. It always seemed as if there was always something more behind the words that he said. 

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