Chapter Fifty - One

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Chapter Fifty - One

"You don't have to be nervous, they'll like you." Lee promised me as we waited inside the tour bus for the other guys to show up. He had called them last night and explained the situation to them in a little more detail making sure that they knew that this was a secret meeting. Gerald had parked the tour bus a ways away from the hotel where we had all stayed last night, just to make things less suspicious.

I wrung my hands together as I looked at him worriedly. He was sitting beside me on the small couch, his arm laying gently around my waist. I knew I could trust him, but I still felt a little on edge. I took a deep breath, letting it out. When I had finally started to feel a little bit more calm, the tour bus door opened and there stood three men. The first one I had noticed was Jack, the second one Dane, and the third one was Thomas, grinning from ear to ear as he rushed past the other two men and bent down in front of me.

"Hey, Simone, long time no see." He waved, then glanced at Lee. "I knew you were going to make it official sooner or later, you sap." He said, slapping Lee's knee cap, then quickly jumping back when Lee stuck his foot out to kick him. "Gotta be quicker than that!" Thomas shouted childishly before accidentally bumping into Jack.

Jack didn't hesitate before slapping him on the back of his head, causing Thomas to rub it in pain.

"Ow, you jerk." He winced, moving off to the side to stand beside Dane.

"I wish you would stop being such a child and be still somewhere." He rolled his eyes, then looked at Lee and I. "So this is the woman we've only now heard about?" He questioned, his eyes studying me.

I moved a little in my seat. "Um, yes, Hello." I waved awkwardly. "I'm Simone."

Jack rubbed the bottom of his chin, before shrugging his shoulders. "You're different than what I expected, which is a good thing." He let out a sigh of relief.

"Meaning?" Lee raised an eyebrow.

"I just mean that she seems pretty harmless. She doesn't look like a groupie that's just here for your money, no offense, Simone," he looked in my direction, "and if Thomas likes her, then she's probably a good person, and I trust your judgement, Lee."

Thomas glared at him. "Why do you say it like i'm a dog or something that's only good for sniffing out bad people."

The other man known as Dane crossed his arms across his chest. "Hey, Simone, it's nice to meet you." He told me, "and ignore Jack, he's a good guy, he just seems to suck at introductions. He always jumps right to the point."

Jack rolled his eyes.

"Not a problem. I understand." I replied honestly. I knew Jack wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything, he was just being cautious. I smiled in their direction. "I'm sorry I made Lee keep our relationship a secret from you was never my intention to-"

Jack shook his head. "No, it's totally fine, we understand. All of this can be overwhelming, and you just weren't ready to be emerged in Lee's lifestyle." Jack replied, "Besides, I'm sure Lee understood your reasoning as well. It's a lot to take in."

I sighed a little. "Yeah, thank you." I told him.

     He seemed nice. I watched as the guys chatted about their next upcoming event before they brought me into the conversation asking me my favorite songs and how many concerts I had seen, and Thomas had even made the joke about there being anything that I wanted from the band since I was such a big fan, and then saying never mind because I had already snagged the most valuable item...'Lee'

Of course I had felt somewhat embarrassed, and my cheeks had heated instantly at his comment. Lee had noticed my discomfort and had given Thomas a slap on the back of the head, causing everyone around us to laugh.

Being around the rest of the guys was fun. They were always laughing and joking with one another. They truly seemed more like family than just band members. I guess that was why Lee had been so adamant about me meeting them, he truly loved these guys like they were his brothers, and somehow I could tell that the other guys felt the same.

- - -

     "I hate that you have to leave," Lee said quietly as we stood in front of one of the rental cars he had gotten Gerald (the band's bus driver) to rent in order to drive me back to my apartment.

I smiled, feeling a little down as well, but I knew that the tour would be over soon, and that we wouldn't have to keep doing long distance for long. "I know, but some of us do have work to go back to." I said with a sigh, "I'll miss you. Make sure to call if you have any free time." I told him.

Lee took my hand in his squeezing it, "Same for you." He replied as we stood in silence. He let out a sigh as he heard Gerald finally crank up the engine, signaling that it was time to go.

      "I guess that's my cue." I laughed.

Lee nodded. "Yeah, looks like it."

I pulled my hand away from his. "I'll um, call you when I make it home." I turned to get in the car when his voice stopped me.

      "Simone," he called. I shifted my eyes back in his direction. He took my face in his hands, giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead, before pulling away and grabbing my hand as he placed a small maroon box in it.

I looked down at it and then up at him. "What's this?" I questioned, getting ready to open the box when his hands stopped me.

"It's a present," he told me, "Make sure you don't open it until you get home, okay?" He watched me, waiting for confirmation of my agreement.

I simply nodded my head. "Okay," I promised him.

He smiled and let go of me, nodding towards the car. "I should let you get going." He said.

"Yeah," I said looking back at the car, "Bye, Lee."

      "Bye, Simone, I'll talk to you later." He promised, shutting the door behind me. I sat in the car, and turned to Gerald who was smiling.


I gave him a nod. "Yeah, I'm ready." I replied, sending one last wave to Lee as we exited the parking lot and drove out of sight.

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