Chapter Thirteen

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What if I told you that I really like writing. I'm just super lazy.

Chapter Thirteen

     Lee was late. Not just five minutes late, or even ten. I had been waiting at the table of the restaurant for the past thirty minutes and I still hadn't ordered my food. The waitress came by once more. "Are you sure you're not ready to order, ma'am?" She asked politely, but I could see the frustration behind her smile.

I shook my head. "Um, just give me ten more minutes and i'll be ready." I lied. That had been the third time I had told her that. The waitress simply nodded and headed off to another one of her tables. As I contemplated on whether or not to leave, an out of breath Lee showed up to my table, that familiar baseball cap covering up just enough of his face. He glanced down at me sheepishly as he slipped into his seat across the table.

        "Sorry I'm late. Someone had noticed me, just as I got out of my car about thirty minutes ago and I had to run off in order to lose him. As you can see, I lost him." He motioned to his slightly wet clothes, probably due to the sweat of having to out run a fan.

I couldn't help but smile. "I was two seconds away from leaving, but now that you're here and it took a lot to get here, I guess I can stay." I replied seriously; although, I honestly wouldn't have left even if he had showed up an entire hour later. My heart did a little flutter as he sat down in his chair across from me and smiled, his white teeth on full display.

"Is that so?" He questioned, his smile becoming wider as he stared at me. His dark eyes never left my face as they awaited for my answer. I couldn't help but shake my head at him.

"Let's just go ahead and order okay? I've been waiting here for what seems like forever." I replied, picking up my menu so that it covered my face. I couldn't see Lee's expression as he replied.

"I'm sorry, again, I didn't expect anyone to notice me," He said softly. Before I could reply, the waitress came back around and took our orders. I had settled on the chicken alfredo pasta and Lee had gotten the same thing.

After around an hour, we were done eating, sitting quietly at the table, staring at one another. We hadn't really talked that much. Well, Lee had asked questions and tried to start a conversation, but I couldn't help but send him closed ended questions that didn't exactly help the flow of the conversation.

He propped his chin up on the palm of his hand, his eyes watching me for the tenth time that afternoon. "Did I do something wrong?" He stated.

I watched him carefully, not exactly knowing how to answer. "No?" I questioned myself.

"Then why come every time I ask you a question you shut down or brush it off?"

"I don't," I started slightly frustrated before sighing. "Sorry, you're right. This is just a little overwhelming for me. You being, well you, and me actually being here." I said quietly before adding, "Why am I here anyway?" I didn't belong here, at least not with him. I was a nobody compared to him.

"Don't say that," Lee replied, "I'm glad you offered to eat with me today. Your company is actually refreshing compared to my friends."

I could almost see him roll his eyes before he smiled. "Just relax, feel free to say whatever's on your mind once you're comfortable enough. There's really no reason to be-"

"So uptight?" I helped him out.

He ran a hand through his hair. "Not the exact word I was looking for, but yes. Just be yourself, relax, talk to me like you don't care who I am, like you did at the fair and in the bathroom or the night at the bar when you told me 'to stop annoying you before you poured your drink on my ugly face.' That was really funny."

I shook my head, "You have to be kidding me. I actually said that?" I asked in disbelief before adding, "I was that drunk?"

"Considering the fact that you didn't remember how you ended up in my house, or the fact that I proposed to you, or that you had met me period, I would have to say yes."

"You know, no normal person proposes to a woman they just met at a bar, much less takes her to go and pick out her engagement ring while she was drunk off her butt." I pointed out.

"Well, no woman looked as beautiful as you did that night at the bar," he shrugged, "I figured I'd take my chances, plus, I couldn't tell that you were wasted."

I ignored his comment, unease making its way through my body. Why was I getting embarrassed? Guys had called me pretty before. But he called you beautiful, that voice chided.

I glanced back over to him. "I really think you should take your ring back, I don't feel right keeping it."

"And I wouldn't feel right returning it. It was meant for you, consider it a gift." He said simply, "It doesn't have to be anything binding. It's just a ring that I got you."

"That a rockstar got me in order to propose to me with?" I raised an eyebrow, countering his previous statement.

He sighed. "I really want you to keep it. I don't expect anything from you. I would just feel better if I left it in your hands."

"I-okay, I'll keep it."

He drank some of his drink. "See, that wasn't so hard now was it?"

"Probably a waste of time more than anything." I admitted, causing him to smile.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, we've already had this conversation just for us to come back to the same conclusion. So it was a waste of time." My lip quirked upwards.

Lee grinned. The next words that came out of his mouth threw me off so much that I couldn't help the stupid grin that slipped onto my face.

"Well, maybe we can get together this weekend and waste some more time, what do you say?"

I rolled my eyes, silently cursing myself for the words that flowed from my mouth. "Okay."

His Solace (Book 3) (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin