Chapter Eight

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Sooo any thoughts on Jason? Comments, Concerns..Death wishes? 😂

Chapter Eight

I stood next to the floor length mirror standing against my bedroom wall. I took in my reflection, making sure to carefully inspect my outfit for the morning. It had to be perfect. Or at least better than the foolery Victoria had planned on making me wear.

The other night Victoria had tried to convince me to wear all black. She had also explained that the best way to gain a man's attention was by not trying at all - so basically, she wanted to make sure that I looked as unattractive as possible for my 'friendship' date with Jason.

I still wasn't quite sure what to call it. Sure we had agreed on being friends, but that didn't exactly mean that we were, we still hardly knew one another.

Was making friends really that easy nowadays? Or was I just thinking too much into this?

I sighed, pulling at the maroon knee length skirt that I had bought a couple of months ago, but had been too scared to actually wear. It was casual but fancy at the same. It was a dark, almost burgundy looking color, with deep ruffles across the bottom.

My shirt was a thin, long sleeved white v neck. I had grabbed my blue jean jacket to go over my shirt so that I didn't look too plain.

I was wearing a pair of brown sandals and had my shoulder length black hair pulled back into a curly ponytail.

I felt like I had over did it a bit, considering that we were going to the fair, but I really wanted to make a good impression on Jason. He had only seen me in my work clothes, so today I wanted to show him what I looked like when I wasn't working.

Hopefully, he noticed a difference.

When the doorbell rang, I quickly gave myself one more look and grabbed my purse before heading towards the living room.

When I opened the door, Jason was standing there.

He wore a short sleeved black v neck that hugged tightly against his upper body, showing off his hard chest - his hands settled within his khaki shorts.

Why was he always wearing khaki pants? The question popped into my head.

"Hey." He greeted, his brown eyes twinkling.

"Hey." I shyly replied.

I opened the door wider, allowing him to step in for a second as I ran to turn my lights off. When every light was off, we both headed outside and I turned to lock my front door.

When we had reached his car, he stepped around to the passenger side and opened the door for me. I settled down into the leather seats, trying to adjust my seatbelt.

Within seconds, Jason's large hands covered mine, helping me buckle the seat belt. "Sorry, I know it can be a little tricky." He commented, staring down at me in silence, his hands still covering mine.

"Thanks." I barely managed, my mind in a jumble from where Jason's hands were currently sitting.

His lips curved upwards, "No problem." He removed his hands and stood up.

After he shut my door he got into the car and started the engine. The car began to hum smoothly as we took off.

We sat in silence for the most part, only the radio playing in the background.

After a couple of minutes he turned down the radio, his hands tightening over his steering wheel before relaxing.

      "I'm really glad you agreed to come with me today." He said after a few minutes.

I turned my head to him. His eyes were still focused on the road.

I played with the sleeve of my jacket. "I'm glad you invited me."

He chuckled a bit. "Me too." He said so softly that I almost hadn't heard it.

When we pulled into the parking lot of the fair, he turned off the car and took out his keys. He gave me one more look, that same light twinkling in his eyes as he smiled at me.

      "You look wonderful."

- - -
So I was going to put the fair part in here too, but I was in a rush. So I'll put their little friendship date in the next chapter. My little sister is in the hospital and I'm going to visit her today. Prayers are definitely welcomed, as I feel at a lost of what to do and how to feel. I hope you all have a blessed day and stay healthy. It's crazy how one day you can be perfectly fine and the next you're not. I'm positive that she'll make it out okay, because God is faithful.

Love you all, Happy Thursday.

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