Chapter Forty - Five

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Not edited.
So funny story. I actually updated this story today. Not so funny, but I can't believe it. 🤣 love you guys. Hope all is well ~ 💖

Chapter Forty - Five

Two days had passed, and now it was officially time to go back to work. Lee had ended up staying the other night at my place, but had gone back to his apartment last night to finish packing up. His manager, Charles, had called him earlier during the week to let him know that the band couldn't wait for him any longer before starting the tour, so he was leaving today to go and join the rest of the band.

I sighed as I finished smoothing down my hair. I probably wasn't going to be able to see Lee for awhile, but that was okay, we would make a long distance relationship work.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, taking in the blue dress shirt that I had threw on, and a pair of black slacks. I looked fine, but I felt like crap. One reason being that I would have to see Jason today. The thought itself caused my stomach to turn a little, and my mood to drop even more, but I pushed it away. I didn't have time to be worrying over things that hadn't happened yet.

I walked over to my dresser, grabbing my phone and wallet before walking out of my room door and making sure that I had turned off all of my lights and locked my front door as I exited my apartment.

Time to go to work. I told myself before heading out the door.

- - -

When I arrived at work, Victoria had pulled me into a hug, telling me that she was glad that I was feeling better and everything. I still hadn't told everything that had happened with Jason because I didn't want her freaking out, or worse, causing a scene at work.

The day went on slowly. I filed a few papers, and took a few phone calls here and there while I sat at my desk, although, I was constantly looking over my shoulder to see if Jason would walk by like he usually did, but he didn't.

It was a little bit before lunch when Victoria handed me a small packet of papers. "Hey, Simone, can you do me a favor? I have to finish up this budget list before lunch for our department, but I also need to run off some copies of this paper for the boss. I don't have enough time to do both right now, so can you please go and make me a few copies, please?" she said, her green eyes begging, "You'd be a huge life saver."

I laughed as I shook my head. "You don't have to beg. I'll go and do it for you." I told her.

She smiled. "Thank you so much! I promise after I'm done we'll head down to the cafeteria together and i'll buy you whatever you want. Deal?"

"Deal." I agreed, before heading out of out station and down the hall to find the copy machine.

When I had made it to my destination, I grabbed the door handle to pull the door open, but it wouldn't budge. I pulled a little harder, when finally the door flew open from the other side, and I went stumbling into the person in front of me. I took a step back, before glancing up, trying to move the hair out of my eyes so that I could see.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-" I stopped as my eyes looked up into another pair of brown eyes and my breath caught.

"Simone." Jason said, surprised, almost a little embarrassed as he stared down at me. He was wearing another checkered colored shirt, with his signature khaki pants. He rubbed the side of his chin. "I'm sorry. I was just leaving." He said abruptly, when I stopped him. Fear crippled me, but it was now or never.

"Um, wait, Jason." I said, "I have to talk to you."

He stilled for a moment, sighing as he turned around. The door behind me was now closed, and it was just the two of us in the small, cream colored room.

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