Chapter Thirty

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Sooo, welcome back to my story! I've been gone for awhile, but I'm hoping to start writing again and finally finish this story sometime this year. 😩 I hope you guys can continue to be patient with me, but anyways, thank you all who are still reading along with me. I appreciate you guys a lot. 💕 As a lot of you guys know, I started a new job back in July, and it's still been really tiring trying to transition into working so long every other day and trying to balance the rest of my life and hobbies when I'm not working, because on my days off I usually sleep ALL day. Which I know is not healthy, but like I said, I'm still trying to figure out how to fix that. 🤣 Goodness, I love you guys, I love sharing my life with you all, my stories, and my time. Always feel free to keep me posted on any stories YOU guys publish your selves. I would love to read them.

Chapter Thirty

The next day came within a blink of an eye, signaling that it was now Thursday, one day before Friday - meaning that Lee still had two full weeks left before he had to pack up and leave. It just sucked that our Christmas party was practically only three days before the day that he left - geez, talk about short notice.

I slumped down in my chair, stretching my arms out over my head as I tried to wake myself up a little bit. I had been at work since six this morning. The boss had wanted me to create some more flyers for an upcoming charity event that the company was having in January of next year. I sighed as I looked over at the flyer on my screen, it was almost done, all I had to do now was add the address and everything would be done. When I turned my eyes away from my computer, I saw Victoria drop her phone down onto her desk and motion to me.

I glanced up at her. "What?" I asked, turning my chair around so that I could get a better look at her. She was wearing a pair of gray slacks with a dark blue blouse. Her red hair was pulled up into a tight bun, and her green eyes sparkled as she smiled over at me cunningly.

"Guess what?" She said excitedly, leaning forward in her chair.

I dropped my arms back down to my side as I straightened myself up in my chair. "What?" I said again, waiting for her to expand on what I was supposed to be guessing at.

She picked her phone up from her lap and began scrolling through it, talking as she did so. "I found the perfect dress for the Christmas party. When Lee sees you in it, he's going to go crazy." She sighed loudly, "Like rabid dog crazy." She added, bouncing up and down in her chair.

I eyed her worriedly. "We're really going to have to work on your analogies." I said, "Rabid dog crazy? Who even says things like that?" I shook my head, "Goodness, I knew I should've just kept my mouth closed. I shouldn't have told you he was coming."

Victoria gave me a pointed look, obviously saying that she had thought otherwise. "It's a good thing that you told me because I can help you dress the best that you can." She clapped her hands together, "Not that you don't usually look good or anything, I just want Lee to be wowed."

I eyed her skeptically. "No offense, but shouldn't you be more concerned about what you're going to wear for the party instead of worrying over me?" I asked.

She waved my question off as if it were something trivial. "No, I found my outfit a week ago." She replied, "I don't wait until the last minute like some people." She said, obviously referring to me.

     I held my hands up. "Okay, so I wait until the last minute. Who doesn't do that sometimes?"

"No one, Simone, no one does that." She deadpanned. I ignored her.

"So where's this so called dress at?" I questioned.

        "At the mall. I need you to try it on to make sure it fits. It's going to look so good on you, I can picture it now," she exclaimed, "we can go and take a look at it after we get off of work today if you want to?"

I didn't have anything else to do today after work besides work, so I gave in. "Sure, that sounds good." I replied, "I just hope I like it. I'd hate to hurt your feelings. I know how you get sometimes." I trailed, and she just smiled.

"Nah, you're not going to like it, you're going to love it."

- - -
I know this chapter was short, but like I said, I'm still trying to get back into writing again. If you guys have any idea suggestions or things you want to see happen in this story, drop a comment down below. I love incorporating my reader's ideas, I find it fun.

Also, when you read my story, what actress do you guys envision playing Simone? I know I haven't really given her a lot of detail, you know, on how she looks and all. I just want to know who you all have in mind whenever you read. 😂

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