Chapter Six

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Hopefully I can start updating this more regularly.

Chapter Six

       After getting past the initial shock that the ring was indeed from Lee, Victoria and I rushed him to the bathroom. The girl's bathroom, to be exact.

Victoria was leaning against the door, to make sure that no one else walked in on us. You could tell by her face that she still wasn't quite sure if this was actually happening or not. To be honest I couldn't quite believe it myself. There was no way that this ring could be from Lee. It didn't make any sense, because even if it had been from him, how had no one else noticed him at the club last night? He wasn't just any regular ole guy, he was a freaking rockstar. A famous one at that!

I dug into my purse before pulling out the large ring. It sparkled in the bathroom's dingy light. I held it up to him so that he could see it. He was a few inches taller than my five seven frame.

He shifted his dark eyes to the ring before looking back at me.

"Well," I stated, as I held the ring out to him.

Lee leaned against the bathroom counter, seemingly unfazed. "Well, what? It's a ring."

"I know that genius, but why do I have it?"

"I thought it was obvious." He replied, "We hit it off pretty well last night at the club and I proposed. I have to admit it was a little out of my character but people are always telling me to live a little." He shrugged, "Plus, it's no big deal, right? People do it all the time nowadays."

"But I was drunk." I stressed.

He stared down at me, as if he was trying to figure me out before replying. "Oh wait, you're serious?"

"Yes, I don't know what happened last night. Rockstar or not, but there's absolutely no way I can stay married to you." I tried to give the ring back.

He smiled. "We're not married, but I wouldn't be opposed to moving the date up if you want?" He said jokingly as if he was trying to get a rise out of me. And heck, if it wasn't working!

"What do you mean we're not married? I have this ring, I woke up at your house..hotel for goodness sakes!"

Lee sighed. "I said I proposed."

"Okay, so you just happen to carry a ring on you whenever you go to a club in hopes that you'll get to propose to some drunk," I said bewildered. "Anyways, how did people not notice me leaving with you. The whole club should've know you were there."

He smirked. A thing I didn't think Lee was capable of doing! I felt like I was going to pass out.

"First of all, I went out and bought you the ring after I proposed. You were more than happy to pick which one you wanted. And if I recall clearly, you even told me that I could marry you right then and there at the jewelry shop." He scratched his jaw. "And besides, I'm great with disguises. I can go pretty much anywhere I want at anytime as long as I dress a little differently and adorn a pair of glasses. It's not that hard not to be noticed."

I took everything in, growing a little agitated. This guy wasn't the quiet Lee that I knew, well, the Lee that I had seen on television and read tabloids about. He was sweet and caring. He was the cool and quiet type.

But this guy. This guy standing in front of me with his hands pressed down on the bathroom counter, facing me with that smug look on his face was not it.

I held the ring out to him once more. I wanted to just forget about this whole ordeal. Maybe part of me would've been happy being proposed to by Lee, but this just felt humiliating.

"Here." I held the ring next to his hand.

He shook his head. "No, keep it."

"I don't want it."

He pushed my hand back, the touch of our hands sending pleasant chills up my arm. "I want you to keep it, it was for you anyways. Consider it a gift."

I stared down at the ring, not really wanting to have a reminder of this conversation at all. "It looks really expensive though. I would feel a lot better if you just took it."

"I'm telling you that it's fine. I want you to keep it." Lee urged, pushing my hand downwards once again.

I balled the ring inside my fist. "Fine," I gave in, "Now if you'll excuse us my friend and I are going to go to lunch. I'm sorry for any inconvenience you had in coming here but I think it would be best if we just forgot this whole thing."

"Simone, but he's hot." Victoria's voice trailed in the background. I sent her a look that told her to shut up before turning back to Lee.

He had that expressionless look on his face again like that night at the concert. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he leaned up from the sink and shoved his hands in his pocket. "If that's what you want, then fine, I'll leave you alone." He said cooly, sending a nod in my direction.

He brushed past me, walking towards the door. Victoria quickly moved out of the way, sending a smile in Lee's direction.

"Thank you.."

"Victoria." She said breathlessly.

"Victoria." He repeated.

His hand touched the door handle before stoping. He looked over his shoulder, his dark eyes meeting with my own.

"Leaving you alone may be what you want, but it's not what I want." He finished, making his way out of the bathroom, leaving Victoria and I in silence.

This was it. I was literally going to lose my mind.

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