Chapter Thirty - Seven

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Chapter Thirty - Seven

"Look, Charles. I know that I was supposed to be in Manhattan today so that I could catch the plane tomorrow morning, but I can't. Something came up - besides, the tour doesn't actually start until next week. I still have a few days to-" I heard Lee let out a deep breath as my eyes slowly opened. I took in my surroundings, noticing that I was lying in my bed, my dress from the party still on my body. Lee was sitting at the end of my bed, his back tensing as he replied back to the man over the phone. "I know, but this is important too. I can't leave - why not?" He sighed, "Look, I can't explain it right now. I have to go." He hung up his phone before turning back around, his dark eyes falling on me.

A look of relief fell over his face. "You're awake." He said, getting up and coming to sit closer to me.

I pushed myself up in the bed, my head beginning to sting a little. "What happened?" I groaned, rubbing the back of my head.

Lee frowned. "You passed out at the Christmas party. Phillip and I caught you right before you hit the ground." He said, touching my cheek, "We took you to the hospital to make sure you didn't have a concussion. After they gave us the okay, we brought you back to your place. Victoria and Phillip left about thirty minutes ago." He told me before dropping his hand. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel okay, my head is just hurting a little." I admitted.

Lee reached across my nightstand and handed me a bottle of water. "Here, try drinking some of this."

I took it from him, taking a sip as I placed the bottle on my lap. "Thanks." I played with the bottle between my hands before glancing back up at him, "Who were you on the phone with a few seconds ago?" I asked.

He sighed. "Charles, my manager. I was just telling him that I wouldn't be able to fly out tomorrow and meet him and my band mates to start preparing for the tour. I told him I'd just be a couple days late is all," he said softly, "I just want to make sure that you're okay."

I suddenly felt bad. Lee shouldn't have to stay here to take care of me, not when he had plans of his own. I shook my head. "Lee, I'm alright, I was just feeling a little lightheaded and passed out. I just didn't eat enough before leaving the house is all. I don't want you to push your plans back for me."

"Simone, it's fine. I want to stay here. The guys will be fine, we don't start tour until next week. Missing a few days of practice won't kill me."

"Lee," I started.

He held his hand up. "No, I don't want to hear it. I'm staying a few days and that's final." He said, grabbing the bottle of water out of my hands and placing it back on the nightstand. "Do you want to go and change into your pajamas? It's pretty late, and I know it probably isn't too comfortable laying in that dress."

I looked down at myself once more before nodding. "Yeah, I think I'd better go change into something else." I agreed, standing up from the bed and grabbing some clothes as I headed to the bathroom.

I slipped off the dress and pulled on my white and blue polka dot pajamas and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. I washed my face, and sat down the towel as I studied myself in the mirror. I still felt sick, but I just couldn't push the feeling away.

I swallowed hardly as I thought about calling Victoria and telling her about the earrings, but I felt like I should just keep it to myself. Maybe Jason would get the hint after tonight and leave me alone, I thought. No need to make this any bigger than it was, I told myself before heading back to my bed and laying down next to Lee.

We sat in silence for awhile before Lee turned his head to me, propping it up on one hand. "Simone," he said softly.

I looked back at him, "Yeah?" I questioned. He reached out his other hand to brush a loose piece of hair from my forehead.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He said seriously.

I was quiet for a moment, then smiled. "Yeah..I know."

Lee smiled sadly as he dropped his hand back down onto the bed. "For some reason," he said slowly, his eyes never leaving mine, "I just don't believe that."

I felt my heart squeeze at his words, and instead of correcting him I simply turned over on my side, pulling the covers to my neck. "Goodnight." I replied.

I felt the bed shift a little as Lee got up and turned off the lights. After a moment his voice cut through the thick silence. "Goodnight, Simone. I'll see you in the morning." He said back. I heard the door of my room shut softly as Lee headed into the living room.

I felt a tear slip down my face.

I hated that he could read me so well. I didn't want him to know what had happened tonight. I didn't want anyone to know. I just, I just wanted to forget it all, and act like it had never happened - but the more I tried not to think about it, the more paranoid I became - and the more the tears fell.

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