Chapter Thirty - Five

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Not edited. 

Chapter Thirty - Five

The next morning I awoke to find one arm wrapped tightly around my waist, and another resting gently on my shoulder. I shifted my body over a little so that I could get a better look at Lee. He was still sleeping soundly, his chest rising and falling as he did so. He looked exhausted, I thought as I ran a hand threw his soft black hair before pulling it away. 

Lee had spent the night at my place last night, in my bed..with me still in it. Just the thought of that actually happening still made me blush. It wasn't like we had done anything except for lay in each other's arms before falling asleep. Lee was a gentleman, and I doubted that he would've even tried to make a move on me last night. He just didn't seem like that type of man. 

As my alarm clock began to go off, I reached over and hit the snooze button, turning back around when I felt the bed beside me shift just a little. I noticed Lee was now awake, staring back at me with sleepy eyes as he let out a small yawn. "Is it really time to get up already?" He questioned, almost in disappointment as he stretched his arms out above his head. 

I pushed myself up in the bed, doing the same. "Yeah, it's that time." I replied back, "I know you have to get going soon so that you can finish packing." I told him, watching as he smiled down at me. 

         "Don't worry. I'll go home and finish packing and you'll go to work for a few hours, and before you know it, it'll be seven and we'll be heading to that Christmas party tonight." 

I smiled. "You're right. I guess we should go ahead and get this day started then." I teased, pushing him gently so that he would leave the bed. 

He laughed, leaving the bed and slipping on his shirt, before grabbing his shoes and sliding them on. "You're in a hurry to see me out, aren't you?" He said, walking over to pull me into a hug. I hugged him back, lifting my chin up a little so that my face was towards his. "I can't wait to see you tonight. I know you're going to look beautiful as always." 

I blushed. "Well, you better get going so that you can finish taking care of everything that you need to do before tonight then." I poked his chest, "Wouldn't want you being late." 

Lee chuckled. "I won't be late."

I raised an eyebrow at him, remembering that one time he was supposed to meet me at a restaurant but had showed up almost an hour late because a fan had noticed him. 

He grinned. "Okay, I'll try not to be late this time. Promise." He told me before letting go and grabbing his phone. "Have a good day at work. I'll see you later." He kissed the side of my cheek before heading out the door.

I sank back down on the edge of my bed, dreading the fact that I actually had to start getting ready for work. I let out a sigh. At least I'd be able to see Lee tonight, I thought, pushing myself up from the bed and heading into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

- - -

      "So like I was saying, I think that we should anchor the lights over here too, so when people walk through the door they can feel important. It'll kind of be like the spotlight is all on them. People would absolutely love it, don't you think?" Margret, one of the decoration coordinators asked as she motioned her hands around, trying to explain her vision to me for the millionth time that morning. 

I tried my best not to groan in her face. I gave her a tight smile. "Margret, I think it's a fantastic idea. Matter of fact, I think that you're just so creative! You don't need me over here slowing down your creative process with my unformed opinions, so i'm going to go and work on the more boring things like trying to figure out where to set up the tables, okay?" I told her, darting off in the opposite direction before she could put in her input. 

Finally, I breathed, leaning against the wall with a sigh. I had been listening to her go on about her ideas all morning and I was one more 'I think we should do this' conversation away from losing my mind. As I looked out at the other people working, I smiled. In just a few more hours I would be back home getting ready for the party tonight. It was going to be fun and I couldn't wait. 

Just as I was getting ready to head over and ask Victoria if she needed any help setting up the Christmas tree, a voice stopped me from behind. I jumped slightly, glancing over at the man who was now standing next to me, my hand covering my chest. 

        "Jason," I breathed, "I didn't see you there. What are you doing here?" 

He smiled. "Hey, Simone." He said, taking a step closer. He ran a hand over his head. "I was just down here for a little bit trying to help carry some of the heavier objects out from the back for the party tonight. I was just getting ready to head back up, but I noticed you walking over here and thought i'd come over and speak with you for a second." He said, motioning to me, "You look beautiful by the way." 

I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Um, thanks. So, are you excited for the party tonight?" I asked, trying to change the subject. 

Jason leaned against the wall, his gaze never leaving mine. "Very," he responded, "It's going to be great. It's always fun to see people when they aren't on the clock, every body is a little more loosened up, don't you think?" He grinned, "Anyways, I guess I should get going. I do have a few more things I need to finish taking care of before lunch. I'll see you tonight, Simone." He waved, before walking off, his back retreating away from me. 

I ran a hand across my forehead. Goodness, I just hoped that he ignored me tonight, but I was starting to see that that probably wouldn't be the case. I frowned slightly at the thought of Jason before shaking my head. It was best not to think about it, I declared, pushing myself up from the wall and heading over to where Victoria was standing as she motioned for some man to hand her another ornament. 

I let out a sigh. Tonight was going to be perfect. I had absolutely nothing to worry about, I kept telling myself - but deep down I had a weird feeling in my stomach. 

If I had nothing to worry about, then why did I still feel so uneasy? 

- - -

So, do you guys think Jason is up to something? :D If so, what's your guess? 

annnnd who thinks that maybe Simone is just being paranoid? 

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