Chapter 30: Big brother

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Heya guys! I'm back good to see you all sorry if this chapter is kinda crappy i;m not quite sure about it, still as always, enjoy!


Yamaguchi must've fallen asleep at some point during the night because now he is stumbling around the house in a half-asleep daze.

Tsukki had woken up big and was getting changed in the bathroom while Yama attempted to make breakfast. Yamaguchi had no idea how he was supposed to bring up last night. Did Tsukki even remember? Littles did tend to forget stressful situations from when they were in headspace.


Yama almost dropped the bowl he was holding "God Tsukki you scared me, are you alright?"

"Oh, um yeah, sorry" the blond sat down at the table, fiddling with his hands "I... Can we call my brother?"

Yama bit his lip "Sure Suki, but can you eat some food first, please?" Tsukki nodded and took the yogurt Yama handed him. They ate in silence, Yamaguchi checked Tsukki's temperature again, but it seemed to have gone back to normal.

Yamaguchi watching Tsukki with a kind of panic he thought one could only feel during horror movies. In retrospect Yamaguchi knew that Tsukki's brother was unlikely to be anything like their parents, but that didn't stop him from worrying.

Both boy's hearts skipped a beat when Akiteru picked up the phone.


"Hi Akiteru"

"Kei! I haven't heard from you in forever, how are you? How are Mum and Dad?"

Yama winced as he listened to the conversation, seeing the dejected look on Tsukki's face.

"Akiteru... I don't live with mum and dad anymore",

"But you're like 16",

"Akiteru, they kicked me out".

There was silence on the end of the phone for a few seconds before Akiteru's stuttered reply came.

"Wha- What, why, no they wouldn't do that",

Tsukki looked angry now, and Yamaguchi could see the tears briming at the corner of his eyes. His heart ached for his little, he had been hurt so badly and his own brother wouldn't acknowledge it.

"Dad doesn't like littles Akiteru, I got classified as one and he really didn't like that" Tsukki's tone had turned as hard and emotionless as it was before. Both him and Akiteru knew their father's opinion on 'weaker classification' having had the idea that if they were anything other than an Alpha, master or neutral they could say goodbye to the roof over their heads. Caregivers were tolerated but not to be associated with.

"...Are you alright?"

Tsukki snapped "What do you think!"

There was silence down the phone again,

"I'm sorry, I- I'm living with Yamaguchi he's my...caregiver. I'm doing better than I was".

Despite the situation, Yamaguchi felt his heart swell with pride when Tsukki called him his caregiver.

"I think this is a conversation we should have in person..." Tsukki said suddenly looking a lot more tired than he had been previously.

"Why don't we meet up in town where we can talk in person, I can be down there in an hour?"

Yamaguchi let his little curl into him, there was no crying this time, no sobbing. Just Tsukki gripping onto Yamaguchi for dear life. The sat there for a least half an hour until Yamaguchi got up and walked Tsukki to the door "So I guess we should get going".

"Actually, I-I'd like to go alone",

"Oh... well okay then" Yamaguchi couldn't ignore the overwhelming anxiety at the idea of Tsukki being alone, for any amount of time "That's alright, call if you need anything",

"I will"


"Promise" Tsukki smiled at him before shutting the door behind him.


Yamaguchi forgot how lonely if felt in the house all by himself. You would have thought he'd be used to it by now, but with Tsukki having been living him and them being together every second of the day he had grown accustomed to being happy with someone else.

He hoped Tsukki would return soon.


Hey guys sorry this chapter is a little short but well, i had a little bit of creative block, i'll try and get  a new chapter out as soon as possible but i may still have a block by then

Still, stay safe my lovelies, see ya next time! And happy valentines day! 

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