Chapter 25: Aliens

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Here is this chapter ma dudes, mentioned these two at the beginning of the fic, so i put them back in, Sorry this took a while, hope its to your satisfaction, enjoy!

pictures above are Oikawa's toys


"Come on Iwa-chan, you promised!" "I promised nothing tashykawa, I said if you were good, I'd buy you a toy after practise, we're not even at the gym yet"

That earned a pout from a certain little captain, Oikawa didn't want to practise, he wanted to go home and cuddle with his Iwa-chan.

Oikawa loved volleyball he always would big or little. However, playing a sport that needed a great deal of concentration while being on the brink of dropping wasn't really the most comfortable thing to do.

But he also really wanted that toy.

"Fine, do you promise that you'll buy me a new toy if I'm good?" the little said raising a brow at the other boy, a sickly sweet smile on his face. 

"... No" 



By the end of practise Oikawa was exhausted, mentally and physically. "Can we go home now Iwa, please?" 

"Sure baby, we can go now. Plus, i have a surprise for you at home, isn't that great?" the little giggled at his caregiver's words 


They walked home hand in hand, soft laughter echoing through the streets.

"So, what's my surprise?" Oikawa urged as he bounded into the house spinning and twisting 

"Well you're suddenly full of energy, aren't you" Iwazumi sighed, he had kinda been hoping for a quiet, but that never happened with a little like Oikawa.

"Thats because i'm excited Iwa-chan!" Iwazumi rolled his eyes 

"Go sit on the sofa, I'll bring it out in a minute" 

"Yay!" the little really was very excitable.

When Iwazumi came back downstairs Oikawa was practically bouncing of the walls in anticipation. 

"Close your eyes" the little did as he was told already holding his hands out in preparation for his gift. 

"Always so eager aren't you baby boy" 

"Of course Iwa-chan". The caregiver smirked; his boy was mischief in human form.

"Alright you can open them now" the toy wasn't much, a little grey alien with big blue eyes and a fluffy antenna, but Oikawa always liked the weird little things. So, when Iwa saw it in the store, he just had to buy it for his little monster.

"It's so ugly! I LOVE IT!!" Oikawa yelled, then promptly pounced onto his Iwa-chan, dissolving into a fit of giggles as his caregiver began to tickle him. 

"Glad ya like it monkey" 

"Your monkey?" he said tilting his head in the most adorable way 

"Yes my mischievous monkey" 

"Monkey!" Oikawa yelled and they laughed together, in the way only the closest of people could laugh.

"What would you like to do tonight then my monkey" 


"Disney it is then; can you get the treats from the cupboard?" 


The rest of the night past quickly, just Disney movies and pizza, cuddled up on the sofa drowning in blankets. They had gone to sleep like that, it was peaceful, just what Iwazumi needed after a long day. But unfortunately, peace is always ruined in the most horrible ways.

It started with a little kick Iwazumi's side, now this wasn't completely out of the ordinary, Oikawa always seemed to fidget in his sleep. What was alarming however where the soft whimpers and silent tears that came from the Aobajohsai setter.

"Hey Oikawa, wake up baby, it's okay, you're having a night a nightmare, you're safe baby, please wake up" he said gathering the little into his arms, though his words did nothing to calm the boy though as his sobs got louder.

There was nothing Iwa could really do when things like this happened, Oikawa had these episodes occasionally, horrid nightmares he would never tell Iwazumi about. So, he just whispered sweet nothings till the boy finally woke up.


"Yeah it's me monkey, you had a nightmare again" Iwa looked down to Oikawa's tearstained face, as he went silent. Iwazumi never knew what to do when the nightmares came, he just held the little close and tight, silently praying it would never happen again. It never worked.

He gave the little his new stuffie and another fluffy green alien plushie Oikawa had had ever since Iwazumi had become his caregiver, his name was broccoli. In hopes they would make him feel better.

"You never named the grey one" Iwazumi said trying to distract Oikawa from his thoughts 

"H-his name i-is... m-mamoru, yeah h-his names mamoru" 

"That's a wonderful name monkey".

"He gunna protect me" Oikawa whispered out "Yes he will darling and so will i"

"I wuv you Papa" 

"I love you two baby" he pressed a kiss to the little's forehead, eventually falling asleep to both their heartbeats, synchronised together.


So there was kinda a vote in the comments of chapter 23 about who would be the little and the caregiver between Oikawa and Iwaizumi and Little Oikawa and Caregiver Iwaizumi won by a land slide. I might make an fic with little Iwa and caregiver Oikawa, cus i want to, not any time soon tho.

I am actually mildly impressed by this chapter. I like it. Sorry this took a while, hope its to your satisfaction

Anyway see ya next time, requests are cool, byeeeee!!

P.S i have a sort of plan now so updates might come quicker, no guarantee tho.

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