Chapter 31: Separation Anxiety:

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Me updating in the same month only about a week apart, it's a miracle! Hello my lovelies, enjoy the chapter!


Tsukki decided that he did not like being apart from Yamaguchi, like he had formed some horrid separation anxiety that made his stomach crawl. The feeling only developed into something worse when he saw his brother sitting at a table near a small café.

Tsukki took a deep breath before walking forward, stopping in front of his brother.

"Hi Akiteru"

"Kei! Um, please, sit down".

An awkward silence ensued as the two brothers desperately tried to avoid the other's eyes, Tsukki was considering getting up and leaving the café and pretend this interaction never happened when Akiteru spoke up.

"Kei... Why didn't you tell me?"

"Don't take it personally, I didn't even tell Yamaguchi. The only reason he found out was because I dropped into headspace in school" talking about his headspace with another person, even his brother, still felt weird to Tsukki.

"But- I, I still don't understand..."

"Like I said on the phone, Dad doesn't like littles, so he doesn't like me" Tsukki didn't add the fact that their father hadn't liked him in the first place. It made him slightly angry that Akiteru wouldn't believe him, but he understood that it was hard to accept thing slike this so suddenly he just hoped that his brother wouldn't be like this forever.

The younger sighed and reached out for his brother's hand "You don't have to hate them Akiteru I understand that our relationships with our parents are... complicated and I don't want you to feel guilty about that. I just hope you'll still be my brother".

Akiteru looked at him with conflict with his and then got up from the table and for a brief moment Tsukki thought he was going to leave but then he got pulled into a tight hug and Akiteru whispered in his ear,

"I will always be your brother".

The brothers continued to talk for another hour before Akiteru stated he had to get back to his apartment and while Tsukki loved his brother very much he had never felt so relieved in his life, socialising was not his thing.

However, coming home to Yamaguchi and cuddling up on the couch watching movies was defiantly his thing. Yama had practically run to the door once he heard it open, enveloping Tsukki into a warm hug.

He helped Tsukki get his shoes of and settled on the couch before asking how meeting up with his brother went.

"It was... good, he's still my brother",

"I'm glad darling" Yama kissed his forehead "Would you like to get dressed into some pyjamas and we can have a relaxing afternoon".

Tsukki nodded and let Yama carry his up to the bedroom and laid down among the soft blankets. He whined when Yamaguchi slid a diaper under his legs but ceased his grumbling when nugget was pressed into his hands.

Once both caregiver and little were in their chosen clothing, they ventured back downstairs and continued to bury themselves in more blankets. Yamaguchi turned on a random movie that Tsukki didn't recognise, but he didn't care, he snuggled into the other boy's embrace and let the world drift away from him.


Well hope that was okay, hope you wonders are happy and safe and still like this story. Thank you so, so much for so many views (41k!) and votes (1k OMG!)

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