Chapter 8: The beginning

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Character don't belong to me. We got some angsty angst in this one.


Waking up in a nurse's office after passing out cold is not a pleasant experience. It's too white and bright and Tsukki's head hurt even more than it has before. "Hey Tsukishima, you awake kid?" it was coach.


"Yeah, you took a nasty fall, the nurse said you were suppressing your classification kid, your body and brain couldn't handle it" he had a look of pity in his eyes as he spoke.

"Kid can you tell me what your classification is?" Tsukki shook his head "please kid we just want to help",

"N-no" he stuttered out",

"You know I can't force you kid, but please consider what this will do to your health, the school doesn't have you on your list because your parents didn't register you. Speaking of your parents would you like us to call them?".

Now he had Tsukki's full attention "Wait no, don't call my parents, you can't please" he tried to get out of the bed in a panic, but coach grabbed him by the waist before he could get away.

"Hey Tsukki calm down kid I won't call your parents okay, calm down" coach gently guided Tsukki back to the bed.

"How about I call Yamaguchi in, instead he's been waiting outside since specs told him you were okay, does that sound good?". Tsukki hesitated what would Yamaguchi say, he must hate him now or at least be mad at him, but a part of him still wanted to see him.


"Alright then I'll call him in".

@@time jump@@

When coach came through the door and said Yamaguchi could see Tsukki he somehow felt relief and fear all at the same time. Yama took a deep breath before he opened the door of the of the nurse's office to reveal Tsukki, looking like absolute death.

"Hi Suki, how are you?" Yama whisper out softly, but Tsukki wouldn't look at him "Tsukki? Tsukki please look at me". When Tsukki finally did looked him in the eye Yamaguchi's heart shattered. He looked so broken, so tired.

Yama sat next to Tsukki on his bed, it was surprisingly soft for a school one. "So, are you good now?"

"I'm fine Yamaguchi" Tsukki spat but his voice still trembled.

"Takeda said you've been suppressing your classification" Yama knew it was a long shot, but he'd known Tsukki for years, they trusted each other, or so Yamaguchi had thought.

" ...Can you tell me your classification?" Tsukki looked at him with a look of complete confusion and mistrust on his face.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, plus, you would hate me" Tsukki eventually said after minutes of painstaking silence.

"Why would I hate you, Tsukki?"

"Because... my parents..."

"What did your parents do?"

"They hate me they threw me away". Tsukki spoke, his voice barely audible. Tsukki looked like he was about to break down, only holding together by a couple of threads.

"I would never hate you Suki, you didn't deserve to be thrown out, they don't deserve you".

Yama could tell Tsukki didn't believe him "I promise I would never hurt or laugh or leave you because of something you can't control". Yamaguchi's heart was crying out for the other boy, wanting to pull him into a hug and never let go. Then he saw the cuts and bruises wrapped up bandages and his mind froze; how had he had been so stupid to not notice before.

"Tsukki did your parents ... hurt you?" Yama had never wanted to be so wrong in his life.

"Yes" tears formed in both boy's eyes. Yamaguchi gripped Tsukki's hand as tightly as he could, slowly coming closer and closer to his friend, engulfing the other boy in his arms.

"Tsukki please I would never hurt you, okay? I care about you, a lot. I just want to help". Tears rolled freely down the boy's faces now, Tsukki's own tears soaking into Yamaguchi's shirt as he hid his face in the other boy's chest.



"I'm, I... I'm a little".


I have no clue what i just did i am sorry if i broke all your brains and hearts with Suki crying. Be safe, be happy, good like with whatever you need luck with. See ya.

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