Chapter 23: A Little Accident

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Heya i'm back, and with another chapter! Hope you enjoy

Translations (sorry if they're wrong):

Chiquito - little one (Spanish)

Tesoro - treasure (Italian)

Miele - Honey (Italian)


It had taken a lot of convincing and reassurance from Yamaguchi to get Tsukki cleaned up, but after a couple of hours and lots of tears they were both cuddled up of Yama's bed listening to the others heartbeat.

"Hey Tsukki baby"


"We have school tomorrow" Tsukki tensed at Yama's words, gripping tighter to Yamas's knight shirt as well. "I just wanted to know how you feel about it, I know Friday probably wasn't the greatest experience but just wanted to tell you I'm here for you and you can always come and find me if you need to, okay?" Yamaguchi whispered into Tsukki's hair.

"...Okay Yama" little Tsukki mumbled right before the soft confines of sleep whisked him away.

@@time skip@@

"I know you don't like it Tsukki but-"

"No, I am not wearing it, I will be absolutely fine without it", Tsuki had woken up big... and wet. He had promptly freaked out once again and Yamaguchi had to practically pin him down to the bed to keep him from running straight out the front door.

"I don't need that thing Yamaguchi, okay?" said 'thing' was a plain white diaper currently grasped in Yam's hand.

"Fine, I propose a deal then, you stay dry all day today, and no diaper during the daytime, bedtime can be discussed tonight" Tsukki glared at him for a sold minute before gritting out a displeased.


"Good, now would you like help getting dressed?"


"Okay, okay I was just asking" Yama laughed, "Come out when you're ready, we can eat on the walk to school.

@@Another time skip cus I'm lazy@@

Tsukki didn't particularly like school, but right now he was pretty sure he despised it. All his classmates were being obnoxiously loud, and the teacher was a complete idiot. But somehow, he had managed to get through the day, he had met up with Yamaguchi at lunch (who had had to force food down the blond's throat) and the day was almost over, but unfortunately for Tsukki it was about to get a whole lot worse.

It was halfway through last period when Tsukki felt a tug in his bladder, and as the stubborn person Tsukki was, he was determined not to have any more accidents, and have to wear that dreaded thing Yamaguchi insisted on.

"Sir, may I go to the bathroom?"

"No, you can hold it Tsukishima" Tsukki's teacher, as previously said was an idiot, turns out, he was also an asshole. So Tsukki did the only thing he could do, clench his fists concentrate on not wetting himself.

The minutes seemed to drag on painstakingly slowly as the tug in his bladder got stronger. He couldn't have another accident, he wouldn't wear a diaper, he wasn't that much of a baby.

It was only a few minutes till the end of the lesson and Tsukki's bladder was screaming at him. He tried, he really tried, but when he felt the first little trickle of pee run down his leg, he knew he had failed.

He grabbed his bag and bolted out of the classroom, despite his teacher yelling after him. He burst into the bathroom, locking himself in a stall as his bladder fully let go into a puddle on the floor.

Tsukki buried his head in his arms violently sobbing. He didn't know how long he sat there, but the puddle had gone cold, and his shoulders still shook in misery.

Tsukki's sobs went quiet though when he heard the door to the bathroom open, he started to silently panic at the thought of someone seeing him like this, especially someone he didn't know.

"Tsukki?" that wasn't a stranger's voice, that was Yama's voice, his Yama.


The caregiver quickly ran over to the stall door, dropping to his knees against it.

"Tsukki baby what's wrong? Volleyball started 20 minutes ago, you agreed to meet up there" Tsukki didn't respond, he didn't want Yamaguchi to see him like this, it wasn't like the other times, he wasn't little right now, therefore Yamaguchi wouldn't want to look after him. Big Tsukki was very different to little Tsukki, big Tsukki was mean and cold, little Tsukki was happy and fun. No one liked big Tsukki.

"Tsukki honey, please open the door, come on baby" then Yamaguchi saw the puddle on the floor and let out a soft sigh.

"Baby It's okay if you had an accident, I promise I'm not upset in the slightest, it's okay darling",

"B-but you gunna make me where the diaper cus, I had an accident, so you're punishing me" Tsukki blubbered.

"Oh, honey no, it's not a punishment. They are there to help, you get so upset when you have accidents, just let me help my little Tesoro", Tsukki eventually let out a little "okay" through his sobs and unlocked the stall.

"Oh, Miele you're soaked" Yama said, pulling the wet little into his arms,

"I'm sorry"

"You don't need to apologise baby, you're not being bad, it was just an accident".

They both sat there for a short while, until Yamaguchi spoke again, "Baby, I need to get you changed, you might get a rash if you sit here any longer",

"Do have to wear a diaper?"

"I think it's for the best honey, not a punishment, remember, just a precaution",

"Okay..." the little mumbled out.

So, Yamaguchi gently laid Tsukki down on the bathroom floor, quickly attaching the diaper strips together, then slipping his shorts and t-shirt on. "See, it's not that bad Chiquito, it'll help my love".

Tsukki let out a hiccupped cry as Yamaguchi pulled him to his chest and dried his tears and face.

"Let's just go to gym, okay? The others are waiting for us".


Hehe, here ya go, figured you guys deserve a longer chapter since i didn't update for like, two months. But yeah also i have a question, if i were to add characters in the story again, such as Oikawa, Iwazumi, what would there classifications be?

Let me know in the comments, i am take requests, so yeah see ya next time me!

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