Chapter 4: Discovering the others

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Characters don't belong to me. Enjoy my strange creation! i'm kinda going to be changing certain things about certain characters so just be prepared, sorry if i get names wrong.


During the bus drive Tsukki had fallen asleep listening to his music. Yamaguchi often thought Tsukki looked most peaceful in his sleep, no frowning, no anger, he was... content. It was a nice sight to see. "Alright everyone off the bus, you can go home now" coach called already climbing off the bus himself.

"Hey, hey Tsukki wake up" Yama whispered trying to wake the other boy up as gently as he could. Unfortunately, for Tsukki, Hinata had other ideas

 "Come on guys, come on, hey kageyama can you come and set for me! Tsukishima wake uuuuuuuup!!" "Shut up Hinata" came a sleepy grumble.

"Come on Suki we might as well practise, we have nothing better to do" Yama said, encouraging the blond to get up, but all he got was a very pissed of growl and an annoyed muttering of 'Fine'. 

"Well come on then better not keep the others waiting!" Yama had a feeling Tsukki was not going to enjoy this practise.

Tsukishima, indeed, did not want to practise, he wanted to go home and make sure his parents never received his classification letter, but Yamaguchi just had to insist didn't he and now he was stuck blocking for Hinata.

The team had been practising for at least 2 hours now and Tsukki ached "Can we go home now Daichi, pleeease" Noya complained as he fell to the floor in exhaustion 

"Alright, alright. Go get changed, remember we have practise after school, so be there". Finally, Tsukki was free!

Everyone was in the club room getting changed when Tsukki heard the dreaded question again 

"Soo what did everyone get on their classification test?" Ennoshita blurted out "I'm a neutral", 

"Oh I'm an Omega-caregiver!" Suga replied 

"What about you Daichi?" 

"Oh, um, I'm an Alpha-caregiver" Daichi said, blushing intensely "oh, oh ok" now both boys were blushing.

"Hey, I'm a caregiver too!!" Hinata exclaimed, while wearing his pants on his hands, yeah, defiantly a caregiver he's the most mature of the whole team (this is sarcasm). 

"Alright everyone put your hand if you're a caregiver since this is becoming a running theme" Daichi, Suga, Hinata, Asahi and Yamaguchi all raised their hands. Wait TADASHI WAS A CAREGIVER!!! How the hell was Tsukki supposed to hide his... thing with this many caregivers around.

"What about you guys?" Ennoshita asked gesturing at the rest of the team 

"Me and Kinoshita are neutrals, we're also leaving so goodbye, come on Ennoshita" Narita said already leaving. 

"Alright, bye guys, see ya tomorrow" Ennoshita called running after Narita and Kinoshita. Phew Tsukki thought, he was safe- "So what were your guys classifications again?" damn you Daichi.

"Oh, I'm a, I'm a ......." 

"What was that Noya?" Asahi urged on softly 

"I'm, I'm a little" Noya admitted, speaking more quietly than Tsukki thought possible for the libero. 

"Hey that's okay, most of us our caregivers anyway, so we can just spoil you huh" Asahi said with a smile dopey on his face, giving Noya a hug. So, they didn't hate littles Tsukki guessed, but they still hated him.

"What about you Tanaka? Kageyama?" Suga pushed 

"I'm a neutral and i'm going home" Kageyama replied monotonously, walking out the door 

"Hey Kageyama wait up!" Hinata shouted running after him. 

"So, Tanaka, classification?" Suga questioned again.

Tsukki heard Tanaka mumble an answer but he was already walking out the door, not willing to give the other any other opportunity to question him. 

"Um, Tsukki where are you going?" Yamaguchi spoke gently from beside him. Tsukki could swear he had gotten taller, they were practically the same height now 

"Home Yama, I'm going Home" he answered patronisingly 

"Oh, ok, well see you tomorrow" 


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