Chapter 34: Road trips and old friends

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Helloooooooo my lovelies every so sorry for the wait. But not really because everyone deserves a break and you would all cry if i got burnt out. Little warning for minor bullying not too much tho so don't worry. 

also i think this is one of the longest chapters i've written, that's partly why is took this long (its been like 7 months i'm so sorry).


It rained that morning. Yamaguchi had to practically wrestle Tsukki into his raincoat before he ran out of the house straight to the big puddles in the path.

"Look Yama! I jumping" Tsukki said as he bounced up and down in a, thankfully, shallow puddle.

"Yes, that's very nice dear, just try not to get your uniform too wet," Yamaguchi smiled, picking both his and Tsukki's bags up off the floor.

"Come jump with me Kage!" Tsukki yelled giggling as he ran off down the road.

Kageyama shook his head, he didn't want to jump (much to Tsukki's confusion) and was far happier holding onto Hinata's hand as they walked to school. And maybe occasionally stopping to splash his feet in one of the smaller puddles.

Yamaguchi could only smile at his little, even the small things like walking to school had become so special. He never would've been able to see Tsukki laugh and smile like this in the past. He didn't think he'd ever stop thinking about that.

Luckily, they had their first period class together as well, they both waved goodbye to Kageyama and Hinata and Tsukki had managed to age up in time for class. Though he still held onto Yamaguchi's hand in the corridors.

The day went quickly enough, Yamaguchi had had a study session so Tsukki had eaten lunch with Noya and Tankaka and tried to complete some of his homework as well. Which he regretted later, trying to figure out a complex equation with a headache from your loud ass friends was not very fun.

It was the last period now and Yamaguchi was waiting outside Tsukki's classroom so they could walk to volleyball together. The class was taking a little longer than normal so he was sitting on the floor with his book. It was a really good book, one about mystical murders and evil-

"The fuck you doing nerd" a second year said kicking the book straight out his hands

That's when Tsukki's class let out, right as the second year was about to take a kick to Yamaguchi's stomach.

Tsukki towered over the other boy, he had fixed him with the stoney faced glare he had worn so often and with a voice completely devoid of emotions other than annoyance asked the second year what he was doing. It was slightly unnerving how quickly Tsukki could rid himself of all emotions when needed.

The bully could only stutter apologies before stumbling away, Tsukki picked up the discarded book and handed it to Yama.

"You should really be more careful with your things you know"

"You didn't have to do that you know"

"I know, but just cus i'm a little doesn't mean I'm not scary." Tsukki said matter of factly, before smirking "Plus, i might find a smallest amount of joy in seeing people's faces when they realise i could beat their ass"

"That's cruel baby"

"Shut up Yamaguchi"

"Sorry Tsukki" Yamaguchi laughed, happy butterflies filling his stomach, he didn't know if it was because of the pure tsukkiness of the conversation or the fact that was the first time he'd ever heard Tsukki refer to himself as a little.

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