Chapter 2: Running

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Chapter 2 wow i'm on a role. Characters don't belong to me, they belong to the creators of haikyu!! Enjoy!


Tsukki looked at the little piece of paper over and over again. This couldn't be happening to him, he couldn't, it just wasn't possible, he couldn't be a-a little. It wasn't like Tsukki had anything against littles. He'd just stay out of their way, and they stayed out of his, making both sides happy, or at least content. But Tsuki being a little himself? That was another matter entirely.

Littles are supposed to be small, cute, sweet and... lovable, Tsukki was none of these things. How could this be? What if the team found out they would never take him seriously again, he would be ridiculed, so many people hate littles what if everyone on the team hated them to? Hated Tsukki. Well, they already hated him already so maybe it wouldn't hurt as much. Who was he kidding, it would hurt like hell.

Without his knowing, he had started hyperventilating, only realising when Yamaguchi tapped him on the shoulder and asked if he was okay. 

"I have to go" was all Tsukki said and walked as fast as his long legs could carry him. As soon as he was out the building, Tsukki started running not paying attention to where he was going, tears brimming at his eyes blurring his vision. Pathetic.

Eventually, after running as far he could, Tsukki slide down the side of a crumbling brick wall near a small parking lot only just grasping that he was completely and utterly lost. Crap. He had forgotten they had taken a school bus to get there, he was such an idiot. He should've just sucked it up and gotten on with life like he always did, damn emotions. So, now he had to wait for someone to find him, just perfect could this day get any worse?

Aaand, he jinxed it, the stupid git from Aobajohsai, Oikawa, had just turned the corner and was heading straight towards him, fantastic. Tsukki hid his head in his knees hoping the setter wouldn't notice him like everybody else did in his life. Apparently though, Tsukki's luck had decided to erase itself from existence because the git came right over to him as soon as he saw the other boy.

The captain crouched down in front of Tsuki, his friend hovering behind him, and had the gall to ask him "Are you okay?" in that disgusting voice of his, probably hasn't realised who Tsuki was. 

The blocker looked up, staring him straight in the eye giving a cold-hearted glare though it probably wasn't very intimidating considering the tear tracks left on his face, the red eyes and messed up hair.

"Hey, you're that middle blocker from Karasuno aren't you?" Oikawa said smirking down at Tsukki 

"Yes" he muttered 

"Well what are you doing here four eyes?" again with his smug little smile, wish Tsukki wished he could punch it off his face.

Before Tsuki could react, the other boy's hand snatched up his result paper with a wide grin plastered on his face. 

"Well, well someone's gotten their classification haven't they, well now I just have to know" he said tauntingly, turning away to uncrumple the paper. 

"Give. That. Back" Tsukki said as strong as he could without his voice breaking in fear.

"No I don't think I will" okay now Tsukki was defiantly going to hit him 

"Come on Oikawa leave the kid be" said Iwaizumi, but Oikawa already had the paper open and was reading over it. The smug smile fell of his face immediately and Tsuki almost smiled himself, until realised why it fell. Shit, the first person to find out his classification is the ass hat from Aobajohsai, just great.

"Um uh here" he shoved the paper at Tsukki, he looked down at the ground or virtually any wear else that wasn't Oikawa face. 

"Thanks" he grumbled finally 

"Are you, um, lost?" Tsukki didn't answer. 

"I'll take that as a yes, where did you come from?" 

"The local testing facility" the blond said begrudgingly. 

"I know where that is, we were actually going there ourselves" said Iwazumi 

"You can walk with us!" said Mr 'I'm going to be nice now because I know the random karasuno middle blockers classification'.

Honestly though Tsukki didn't really have a choice now did he "Fine" he spat out. 

"Good, it's this way better get going, we still have appointments" said Iwaizumi. Guess this was Tsukki's fate now, walking with the Aobajohsai asses to a testing facility where Coach will yell at him, most likely Daichi and Suga as well. Dear lord why him?

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