Chapter 18: Shopping

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Characters aren't mine.

Bambino = baby boy (Italian)

Miele - honey (Italian)


The store was surprisingly big, you know a mall store, it was colourful too, covered in bright colours and cartoon animals, it was very obviously a store for littles. Thankfully though it wasn't very full, Noya was dragging Tsukki everywhere, pointing at everything talking so fast the other boy couldn't understand what he was saying.

Being 'in between headspaces', as Yamaguchi says, sucked. Tsukki's head felt fuzzy, his legs hurt and Noya's constant talking wasn't helping.

"Wow Suki look at that and that, this place is awesome",


"You away in the clouds there, bud" Yamaguchi said coming up from behind him placing a hand on the blonds back.

"How about we go and get some new clothes then we can go see the toys okay " came Asahi's calm voice "And maybe calm down a bit Noya, Suki's got a bit of headache there so, we've got to make sure we don't make it worse, maybe you can show me all the cool parts of the store instead". Asahi's voice somehow made Tsukki's head feel even more fuzzy which kind of defeated the point of his suggestion.

Tsukki looked and felt exhausted, as he looked at the clothes hung on the little racks, Yamaguchi had already picked up some shirts and jeans and other little things as they went along, as well as some... essentials. Now all that was left was toys.

As the boys walked down to the toy aisle Tsukki slowly got closer and closer to Yama's side until he was practically leaning against him. "Hey there bud, you want a cuddle?" a blush spread across the little's face but still, he stayed close.

When they finally got to the toy aisle, Noya ran off (with Asahi chasing after him the poor guy) but Tsukki stayed by Yama's side the entire time. Until they got to the stuffed animals, Tsukki's eyes lit up with the child like wonder all littles should have before promptly burying his face in his caregiver's chest.

"Hey there bambino, you want to look all the cool toys, I'll let you buy whatever stuffie you want". A little golden eye peeped out of Yamaguchi's shirt and slowly making his way to the toy rack, deciding to grip on to Yama's hand for dear life while he did it though.

"Hey Suki look, they have dinosaurs, you like dinosaurs, don't you?" Noya said in a significantly softer voice then he was using earlier.

"They have dinosaurs over there, if you want to see them",

"'inosaurs?" Tsukki said, obviously getting closer and closer to little space. Still blushing deeply, he walked to the little shelf dedicated to his favourite extinct animal, he ran his other hand, (the one that wasn't clinging to Yama's) across the shelf until he came to a blue, fluffy, stuffed stegosaurus with green spikes.

"Would you like that stuffie Miele? I would be happy to buy it for you" "Mmm" Tsukki's blush got deeper but a tiny shy smile came across his face as he pulled the toy closer to his chest.

Tsukki got a few other toys with Noya's encouragement and a couple of other things as well. By the end of the day Tsukki was still clinging to Yama's hand along with his dinosaur, looking as if he would fall asleep any moment.

It was dark when they caught the taxi home and Tsukki had practically fallen asleep on Yama's shoulder.

"Okay baby were home now, you wanna come inside?",

"Mmm" Yamaguchi let a soft smile spread over his face.

"You want me carry you in huh?"

Tsukki sent his own little smile to Yama in return, a smile of a child, Yama liked that smile.

"Alright then angel, come here" Yamaguchi lifted Tsukki into his arms and brought him into the house, eventually wondering up to the bedroom he now apparently shared "You wanna sleep with me again tonight, baby?" a nod "Very well".

Yama managed to get Tsukki into the dinosaur pyjamas they had bought at the store, (he really does like dinosaurs) before climbing into the bed next to the little, his head resting under Yama's chin.

"Goodnight baby"

"nigh nigh Yama".


I DID IT. I've been working on this for what feels like forever. Also if anyone can tell me how to pm people cus i have no idea. Annyyyywaay see ya next time on 'my crappy writing skills'!!

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