Chapter 29: Nightmares

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Okay so there is a trigger warning in this chapter (knifes/stabbing) it's not too graphic but if you would like to skip that, once you get to the line:

"I missed you Mum" he said, his mouth splitting into a wide grin

skip to the line:

"Tsukki! Tsukki! Tsukkiplease wake up!"


Miele - Honey (Italian)

Aiko- Little loved one (Japanese)

Anyway on with the story!


Tsukki woke up with a streetlamp shinning in his eyes "Yama? Yama, where are you?". Tsukki called his name but Yama didn't come. That was strange, Yama always came.

Tsukki looked around him in confusion, something about the place seemed familiar... a sudden feeling of horror came over Tsukki as he realised where he was.

He was on the same street he had sat on when his parents kicked him out.

Tsukki started to cry, it had all been a dream. None of it real. Yama didn't love him, the team would still hate him and- and Tsukki got up and started to run, as he could escape the thoughts that suffocated him.

He ran and he ran but got nowhere, the world seemed to spin around him sending falling down the deepest hole filled with memories Tsukki had tried so hard to forget. He raised his hands to his ears, screaming to drown out the noise around him.

Tsukki landed in a room, it took him a while to realise he was in a kitchen... his mother's kitchen. "Kei" Tsukki turned around to see his mother's smiling face, she opened her arms to him and Tsukki practically ran into them.

"I missed you Mum" he said, his mouth splitting into a wide grin, holding onto her tight.

"I missed you too Kei" Tsukki relaxed into her hold, suddenly Tsukki felt a piercing pain in his stomach, he back away from his mum to see and sharp knife sticking in his gut.

"Mum?" he looked up to see his mother's cold glare and felt a cold chill run over his body. She pulled out the knife letting Tsukki fall to the ground "Goodbye, freak" was all she said before everything went dark.


"Tsukki! Tsukki! Tsukki please wake up!" Tadashi shook the little's shoulder desperately trying to shake him out of the fever induced nightmare, failing miserably.

That was until Tsukki sat bolt up right in a matter of seconds, screaming. "Hey, hey baby, Miele, it's okay, it's okay, see it's me baby? Baby, look at me" try as Yama might, Tsukki was beyond consoling at this point. Yamaguchi felt his heart cry for the little wanting nothing more than to know how to make him happy again.

Unfortunately, he had to settle on just pulling the other boy into his lap, burying his face into the little's soft blond hair, rocking back and forth slowly as a last attempt in calming Tsukki down.

It proved to be a smart choice to make because soon enough Tsukki's tears slowed, turning to shaky sobs. He turned around in Yama's lap, wrapping his arms and legs around the other boy's waist and neck.

"Bad dream?" Yama said rubbing Tsukki's back.

"Mama hurt me..."

Yamaguchi wanted to desperately strangle Tsukki's family for doing the things they did. Why couldn't this all go away? Why couldn't Tsukki be left in peace?

"You wanna tell me about it?" Tsukki shook his head "Would you like another bottle" Tsukki nodded this time, albeit a little hesitantly.

Yama carried his little down the stairs letting him stay attached to his hip while he made a bottle of milk. He sunk into the sofa's soft cushions wrapping them both in a fluffy blanket

Tsukki finished up the bottle quickly and Yama sat him up again still keeping him close though "Wanna talk about your dream now?" Tsukki looked at his caregiver with tired eyes before looking away again with a pained grimace on his face.

"I thought you were gone... I saw all these memories, all the bad ones, I tried to make them go away but they wouldn't. Then they just... stopped, I saw my Mum and- and she was smiling I-I hugged her and- and she hurt me" and Tsukki had been hurt, not just physically by his Dad, but the emotional hurt from both his parents pained him so much more. Having someone break you with their words hurts a lot more than a broken arm.

"Why don't they love me? What did I do? I-I don't understand!" tears started to form in Tsukki's eyes again and Yama cursed himself for not knowing what to say. He couldn't give Tsukki the reassurance he needed, to tell him that his family did love him because even Yamaguchi didn't know if that was true.

"You didn't do anything Aiko, that's the thing that makes it hurt the most... that you had no control, that you couldn't do anything" Yama pulled Tsukki closer, running his hand through the little's hair.

"I want my brother..." Tsukki whispered and Yama froze.

"Was your brother at the house when your dad...?"


Yamaguchi thought for a moment, it wasn't like he would stop Tsukki from seeing his brother, that would be cruel, but he was still concerned about how he would react when finding out Tsukki's classification. Which was a reasonable worry considering how Tsukki's parents had reacted.

"Why don't we give him a call when you feel a little better Miele?"

The little sniffled "Okay Daddy" he settled down on Yama's chest, intertwining his fingers with Yama's and they drifted into a soft silence.

They didn't get any more sleep that night, thoughts to plagued by worry and fear, but it was okay, as long as they had each other, it would always be okay.


Hehe... i'm sorry? My brain kinda just did something and it just so happened to be sad, this was supposed to be a fluff chapter but oh well i'll fix this somehow. 

Hope you all are doing alright and hey if you've got any ideas for this fic let me know! Bye for now loves!

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