Chapter 12: Decisions

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Yamaguchi knew this conversation wasn't going to be the most enjoyable, but he also knew he couldn't go on and ignore it. "I know this is going to be horrible, but what are we going to do about, like where you will live and who can look after you when your little".

Tsukki glared at him and sent him an annoyed grumble of "I don't need to be looked after".

"Well, it's against the law for little's to live alone in case they randomly drop. They can live with others their age that's fine, so you can stay here with me if you want" Yamaguchi very much hoped Tsukki would choose this option, he couldn't imagine Tsukki being taken away by LPS (Little Protective Services) and given to someone he didn't know, it sounded like a nightmare.

"Okay" Yamaguchi was honestly surprised at how quickly Tsukki had answered, he thought it would take more convincing.

"So, you want to stay here with me?"

"Yes". Tsukki still wasn't looking at him but that wouldn't stop Yama's excitement "and who would you like to look after you?".

Tsukki finally looked up at Yama with a beautiful look of innocence in his eyes and whispered out in such a small voice Yama had to strain to hear it "You".

An overwhelming feeling of happiness bloomed in Yama's chest "Really?"

"Hmm, yes" Tsukki said burying his head in his knees.

"Well then, I would be honoured to" Yamaguchi pulled the little into a hug, hearing a tiny heartfelt whisper of 'Thank you'

"You're welcome Tsukki, your welcome".

Tsukki had never expected this to happen in a million years, he was laying against his best friend's chest, who just agreed to be his caregiver. Yamaguchi had barely even known about Tsukki's classification for more than a day and had already offered to look after him, of all people. He could have had anyone, but he chose me.

His head was being taken over by that warm, fuzzy feeling again and it felt so nice just laying here. He wasn't tense or agitated just content...happy. "Hey, Tsukki you okay there? You're a little quiet" Yamaguchi said after a while, but Tsukki just buried his head further into the caregiver's chest "I'm going to take that as a yes". He pulled the little closer and started to sing a little song, Tsukki could've fallen asleep right there to that beautiful voice.

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