Chapter 6: Suspicion and Headaches

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Don't own the charterers. This takes place in school the after Suki got kicked out


Tsukki seemed off. It'd been a couple of days and Yamaguchi had only just noticed it. He's just been so quiet, no sarcastic or snarky comments, only speaking when absolutely necessary.

"Hey, does Tsukki seem off to you guys?" Yama finally decided to ask Hinata, Yachi and Kageyama after school.

"No, he seems fine to me, why?" Yachi replied

"I don't know he just seems... different"

"Well, he did run away while at the testing facility, and we never found out why, maybe he's distraught about his classification" Hinata reasoned.

"What is his classification anyway?"Kageyama said suddenly, Yamaguchi had almost forgotten he was here.

"OH, he's um he's ugh I... I don't know" Yama sighed

"What if he's suppressing something that would be really bad. Especially if he's an omega in heat or a little suppressing their little headspace!! That's not healthy!" Hinata started speaking worriedly.

"Hinata, I seriously doubt Tsukishima is a little or an Omega, he's most likely a neutral who's family wanted him to be an Alpha and they reacted badly and now Tsukki is sulking about it" Kageyama said in a bored voice.

"But what if he's not, what if he's in trouble?" Yama asked

"If you really are worried about him Yamaguchi, you could ask Takeda, he's a teacher he should know about it" Yachi said reassuringly having somehow not freaked out during the conversation like she normally would.

"That's a great idea, i'll do that, Thanks Yachi " he yelled already running to find Takeda.

"Or you could just ask him directly" Hinata muttered

"Please this is Tsukishima were talking about like hell he would tell us if we asked" Kageyama grumbled.

@@To Tsukki@@

So, as it turns out suppressing headspace is a lot harder than you would think. Tsukki had been at it for a couple of days now and his head was killing him. As well as that, his money had run out and couldn't even stay in that crappy motel anymore. Now he was sleeping behind dumpsters and in alleyways.

But what could he do? Give in, tell someone, like hell he would. Everyone hated him anyway, the salty asshole everybody hates, that's what Tsukki was. He could just pretend, pretend he didn't get kicked out my house for something he couldn't control, pretend he wasn't suppressing an important part of his biology that causes him unbearable amounts of pain on a daily basis, pretend he didn't cry himself to sleep on a nightly basis. Yeah, that was perfectly fine

@@back to Yama@@

"Hey, Takeda can I talk to you?" Yamaguchi had finally found the teacher in a small office, despite it being almost impossible to find. "Oh, Yamaguchi sure what do you need?"

"I know this is a weird request, but can you tell me what Tsukki's classification is?" there was a brief silence before Takeda spoke again

"Well, i'm not technically allowed to do that without reason, why do you need to know?".

Yamaguchi mentally slapped himself he should've known there would be a rule against getting people's personal information, "Well he's just been so off lately and looks like he's in pain half the time, not talking, showing less emotion than usual. We were in class and he just stared out the window the whole time, Suki never does that, it was also his favourite lesson so that just makes it extra weird. Then there was that whole thing with him running away when he got his classification. Why didn't anyone ask him about that! GOD I'm a horrible friend!!" the boy's rant finally ended with Yamaguchi collapsing into one of Takeda's chairs, letting his head fall into his hands.

"You're not a bad friend Tadashi, tell you what I'll ask if I can have a student list of classification for the volleyball team since I need one for the practise match with Nekoma coming up. So just keep an eye on Tsukki for now, okay? I'll make sure he's safe" Takeda reassured

"Yeah, that's good" Yama could finally breath again

"Great, now practise is in a couple of minutes so go find Tsukki and I'll see you down there"

"Thank you, Takeda"

"You're welcome Tadashi".

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