Chapter 15: Breakfast

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characters aren't mine, Enjoy my strange writing creation.

ma fraise = my strawberry


Yamaguchi was starting to wonder just how young Tsukki's headspace really was. It was quite common for littles with very young headspaces to lose control of their bladder and bowels and tend to need pull-ups or diapers, but Yama seriously doubted Tsukki would like that.

While Yamaguchi pondered his thoughts, he collected the clean clothes for Tsukki and went to go to knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey, Tsukki are you done? I've got you some clothes here for you",

"Oh, um yeah I'm done".

Tsukki opened the door and Yamaguchi could still see the scepticism in his eyes, he takes the clothes and looks down to the floor again.

"Um thanks"

"No problem".

He smiled at the blond, trying to show him that he meant no harm, but Yama knew it would take more than reassuring smiles to convince Tsukki.

Tsukki came out of the bathroom soon after Yama had given him his clothes, the image of a terrified, crying Tsukki still refused to leave his mind.

"Hey, Tsukki you want some breakfast?"

"No" Yama hadn't really expected anything else.

"You've got to eat Suki, it's not healthy to go this long without food, you don't have to eat lot's just a bit",

"Why aren't you mad?"

"Why would I be mad at you?" Yama's face creased in confusion,

"Because I had a... accident"

"I told you Tsukki, I would never be mad at you for something you can't control, it was an accident, accidents happen",

"What... what if it happens again".

Yamaguchi had never seen Tsukki so nervous and sceptic in his life and he hated the fact that he might have to get used to it due to them being the little's overall feelings to this whole experience.

"If it happens again then we will find a solution so we don't have wet sheets every night, but I will never be mad at you Tsukki. Okay?"

"Okay" he gave Yama a weak smile and sat down at the table.

"Great now how about we have some breakfast",


"And maybe talk about what happened last night?". Tsukki didn't seem to remember much, or anything about last night, and Yama found it would be cruel to keep him in the dark.

"I still don't want breakfast",

"Well, you need to eat, how about something small like some yogurt?"

"Fine" he grumbled once again,


Yamaguchi finished making their breakfast and set it on the table.

"So, I'm guessing you don't remember anything from last night, do you?"

"No" so he was right,

"Do you want me to tell you?"


"Long or short version?"


"Well, you laid down on my chest for a little while and I think you dropped around then, I asked if you wanted to go to bed, you said yes but didn't want to walk so I carried you, you didn't want to sleep in your own bed so you slept with me in mine instead, was that an okay explanation?"

"Um yeah but you were okay with me being..."


"Yes" Tsukki said wincing.

"Of course, I will be okay with you whether your little or big, you're a very sweet little, ma fraise" Tsukki blushed at the nickname,

"Now what do you want to do today?".


Well i did this, don't ask how, don't ask why. See ya next time on my crappy writing skills.

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