Chapter 7: Practice

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Characters don't belong to me. Enjoy my weird ass writing.


Tsukki was just leaving school, planning on wondering around town for a little while until he could go back 'home' (a little shelter in an abandoned building) when Yamaguchi came running up to him. 

"Hey, where are you going, we have volleyball remember?" he said in that joyful voice of his.

Tsukki knew he wouldn't be able to escape practise with Yama around. "I guess I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Nope, come on we're going to be late" Tadashi cheered already starting to drag his friend to the gym.

Great now he had to play volleyball, with a murderous headache pounding in my skull.

The team had started practising our receives and serves with a partner and they were about to move onto 3 vs 3 games when Tsukki suddenly fell to the ground. Tears started to gather in his eyes, his chest tightened, and his breathing became laboured "TSUKKI" Tadashi practically screeched running to his friend's side.

"Tsukki, Tsukki what's wrong! SOMEBODY HELP ME SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH SUKI!" while Tadashi summoned the attention of everybody in the gym, Tsukki focused on not passing out. Coach somehow managed to get through the circle of people surrounding the two boys.

"Hey kid, kid look at me can you tell me what's wrong, do you know what's wrong?" the blond shook his head.

"Okay then we need to get you to the school nurse, can you stand?" Tsukki tried to Shakely get to his feet, having to lean heavily on coach and Takeda to stay up right.

"Suga, Daichi you guys are in charge I'll be back soon, come on Tsukishima to the nurse's office" Takeda said with a visible note of concern in his voice.

@@time jump@@

"OH MY GOD.OH MY GOD" Yamaguchi was pacing back and forth in the gym, his heart trying to beat out of his chest. How could've Tsukki just collapse like that, Yama should've have seen it coming, known what was wrong, now Tsukki could be dying for all i know.

"Hey, Tadashi, Tsukki will okay" Daichi said from where he was sitting on the floor with a tired expression with a newly discovered little Tanaka curled up next to him.

Who would have thought it, Tanaka a little, he revealed it to Suga and Daichi when everyone had left the gym on the day the team had gotten classified and had promptly dropped from shock when Tsukki was taken to the nurse. Noya however simply refused to drop until he knew Tsukki was okay, no matter how hard Asahi tried to convince him to.

"Yeah, Tadashi I'm sure he was just over worked and collapsed from the stress" Asahi said trying to comfort him, but they both knew his words weren't true, they all knew it was so much worse.

Then abruptly the gym doors opened to revel Takeda with a sad, pained expression plastered on his face. Quicker than should be possible Yamaguchi was at him side "Is Tsukki okay? What happened? Does he need to go hospital?".

"Yamaguchi calm down, no Tsukki will not need to be hospitalised" the whole room sighed with relief "but..." and back to visible tension.

"He has been suppressing his classification needs and it caused a chemical imbalance in his brain that caused him to collapse and somehow gave him a mild concussion he was also covered in bruises and cuts which probably contributed to the pain he was already in. He's way too skinny and most of his cuts were dirty and infected. Tsukki's not in good shape at all" Takeda said more serious than Yamaguchi had ever heard him be.

How did he not notice Tsukki's problems "He'll be okay though won't he" Yama whispered 

"Yes he'll be alright and if he's well enough he can still come to the Nekoma match in two weeks. 

"Good because we need him" said a voice that surprisingly came from Kageyama

"Yes, yes we do" Yama agreed in a sullen voice.


Didn't know i could make something like this well

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