Chapter 19: The beginning of a little day

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I am alive! ... unfortunately. Hehe i'm sad. Aaaanyway i'm back , i'm writing shit, it's not going well and i have been crying for 2 hours haha, let's get back to the story. Please comment!

Translations (i think sorry if they're wrong):

Aiko- little loved one


Lullaby's called Rue's lullaby/deep in the meadow it's not mine
So I edited this again because it didn't publish right so I'm just gunna fix it.


Tsukki was always warm now. He had been sleeping well the past few days he'd been living with Yamaguchi. The other boy had been so good to Tsukki so far, but soon enough Tsukki knew he would leave him.

"Hey, baby you awake" Tsukki felt his face immediately heat up at Yama's words, not trusting himself to speak he simply hummed in agreement.

"Not feeling very talkative today huh, well that's just fine. Let's go get some breakfast, shall we?"


Tsukki's voice sounded so tiny, and his head was still fuzzy.

"Great, let's get up then, come on Hun."


"Yeah, I know, the tragedy of getting out of bed" he said smiling down at Tsukki, such a pretty smile.

Yamaguchi led the little down the stairs by the hand, to the kitchen where he started to fry some eggs and bacon. Tsukki still thought it was amazing Yama cared so much about him to make him food, his father often just left him to scavenge for what was left on the man's own plate.

Yamaguchi watched as Tsuki stared off into space.

"Heey Tsukiii, earth to Tsukki, you in there, bud?".

Tsukki always seemed to drift away a lot when he was in headspace, at the moment though Yama couldn't tell whether Tsukki was in headspace or not. Probably somewhere in between, knowing him. Yama really wished he knew how to get the little to drop without an emotionally exhausting experience.

"Sooo, I was thinking" Tsukki looked up, scepticism written all over his face "Since you have only really dropped properly once or twice during, well, all of this" seeing Tsukki's emotions displayed so freely was something strange yet weirdly comforting to Yama in these circumstances, except for the fact he looked like he was ready to run for the hills at any given moment.

"I thought we could-"

"You don't want me anymore do you" Yamaguchi was sure he felt something shatter inside him when he heard the words Tsukki spoke.

"WHAT! No! God Suki, I will always want to be with you, your perfect Aiko, my little Tesoro" Yama said, gripping the little's shoulders, staring straight into his eyes.

Tears started to fall at those words, loud and ugly. Yamaguchi turn off the stove and went to gather the little up, laying on the sofa and as the blond sobbed into the other boy's chest, and not knowing what else to do Yama started to sing a little lullaby:

"Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open the sun will rise
Here it's safe and here it's warm
Here the daisy's guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet
And tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you
Deep in the meadow
Hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moon beam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when again it's morning they'll all wash away
Here it's safe and here it's warm
Here the daisy's guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet
And tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place
Here is the place
Where I love you"

The tears eventually slowed, and sobs turned to sniffles as Yamaguchi whispered,

"I will never leave you Aiko, never."




Sorry it's a little sort, i didn't know what to do. Next chapter will have some Hinata and Kageyama in it some be prepared for a angst parade and tooth rotting fluff. So see ya next tim on my crappy writing skills!

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