Chapter 10: Telling the others:

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"TSUKI" the whole gym screamed at once, Noya and Hinata were at Tsukki's side in an instant, obvious concern blazing in their eyes. "Are you okay, what happened? We stayed the whole time you were in the nurse's office, all of us" the flurry of concerned and caring questions and statements threw had thrown Tsukki off guard.

"I-I um"

"Don't over crowed him guys, he just woke up" Daichi called as he walked over with Suga and Tanaka at his side.

"You good now Suki?" Suga asked

"You- you guys all stayed" even though Yamaguchi had told him they had stayed he still couldn't believe it.

"Of course, we did, you're our friend Tsukki, we wanted to make sure you were okay!" a very obviously little Tanaka said releasing Daichi's arm that he had been clinging to coming over to the other boy.

"We care about you Tsukki" and then without warning Tanaka opened his arms and wrapped Tsukki into a tight hug, "No matter your classification" he said in a quieter voice that only Tsukki could hear

"...thank you".

Soon everybody was in the little group hug laughing and crying, Tsukki had never known they cared so much.

"Soo after that little hug out session, do you trust us now Tsukki, can you believe we do care about you?" that was Noya, always getting straight to the point.

"I-I think I can try",

"And that's all we ask" Suga spoke in a soft voice,

"YEAH!" said Hinata in a not so soft voice, but the thought is there.

Tsukki could tell they were all desperate to know his classification, but he just couldn't get the words out. He turned to Yamaguchi with pleading eyes in silent communication.

"So, Tsukki's classification?" Hinata asked, Kageyama elbowed him.

Tsukki refused to make eye contact with anyone, preferring the floor to actual people at the moment, it was Yamaguchi who spoke next "Tsukki is ... a little".

For a few minutes no one in the gym spoke. Till Tanaka broke the silence "So like me and Noya?" he said with a curious tone

"And Kags" Hinata added absentmindedly.

"..." "what?" everyone said at once.

All the colour drained form Hinata's face as he realised what he had said "OH, OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY KAGEYAMA". All attention was on Kageyama now who had a look of anger and fear laid out clearly across his face.

Yamaguchi chose this moment to leave, since Tsukkishima looked like he was going to freak out again. "Well, me and Tsukki have to go pick up his stuff and get him settled in at my house, if that's alright?"

"Oh, um sure you guys go, we'll sort this out. Oh, and Tsukki we will always accept you no matter what" Daichi said softly.

Tsukki visibly relaxed at the captain's words "Thank you and good luck with... that".

The two boys left the gym with a strange mix between happiness, confusion and a lot of anxiety between them. "So that went as well as it could have, and hey now we have four littles on the volleyball team" Tsukki sent Yama a crooked grin and honestly, it was the one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

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