Chapter 26 : a strange little sleepover

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Guys, guys this is 1642 words i think this is one of the longest chapters i have written in this story, holy fuck. Anyway, yeah, i'm back, and with presents! Characters aren't mine, enjoy!


Tsukki was glaring out of the car window with a ferocity that could freeze raindrops as they fell. He couldn't believe Yamaguchi would just leave him like this. It wasn't that Tsukki hated Suga and Daichi, and while Tanka could be obnoxiously loud and irritating, they were still his friends. Sort of.

"Right were back" Daichi opened the car door and went round to open Tanaka's. Suga went round to his as well and unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Come on Tsukki, time to go in",

"I'm not little Suga" he grumbled.

"Alright, that's fine but you still have to come inside, it's raining and I'm getting wet."

Tsukki made no effort to move from his place in the car. "Tsukishima Kei please get out of the car, otherwise i will carry you inside". Suga wouldn't do that, Tsukki wasn't little, if he wasn't little, he couldn't be treated little... or like little things.

So, he didn't move. He stuck himself where he sat, crossing arms over his chest. "Fine, have it your way" Suga reached into the car and yanked Tsukki up onto his hip.

"Hey! Suga put me down". Tsukki was not happy at all, why didn't Suga understand that he wanted to be left alone!

Suga angrily trudged back inside, drenched in rain, holding a struggling little with an equal amount of anger on his face. "You good there?" Daichi asked slightly concerned about the two rain covered balls of fury in front of him.

Suga sighed "Yeah, we're fine. I've just got to go take a shower so i don't turn into an icicle",

"AH, for the last time Suga. PUT. ME DOWN." The caregiver didn't say anything just silently walked to the living room, placed him down of the sofa, and left.

Tsukki could hear him bounding up the stairs and starting up the shower. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel just a little bad, but it wasn't his fault! Yamaguchi left even though he promised he wouldn't, and it wasn't fair, he didn't even like his cousin, so he couldn't understand why he had to leave... he promised he wouldn't leave.

Suga was soon out of the shower and talking to Daichi in the kitchen. Tsukki could only hear little bits of the conversation.

"How old does Tsukki usually fall?"

"Yama said somewhere between 14 months and 2"

"Oh, so really little then"


The rest of their words were muffled by the kitchen door for Tsukki to hear but he got the gist of it.

They all thought he was incapable of looking after himself, that he was going to randomly burst out crying at any given moment, which he totally wasn't. He was fully prepared to storm back into the kitchen to yell at them when he was stopped by a tug of his hand.

"Pops said we could watch a movie or somthin' if we wanted to" it was Tanaka looking up at Tsukki with a big smile on his face. The other boy was older than him in both physical and mental ages, being a second year with a 3 to 6-year-old headspace and all, much older than Tsukki.

Tanaka tugged at his hand again "Come oooon Tsukki" the boy dragged him back to the sofa once again, throwing a fluffy green blanket at him in the process.

Little Tsukishimaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें