Chapter 33: We can never know what goes on in another person's head

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Hiiiii guys, guess what i'm alive (i know crazy). So, here's that chapter i promised you, i hope you enjoy!


The rest of the day went smoothly from there. Tsukki had grown bored with playing with the trains and was now watching TV with Kageyama.

Kageyama crawled closer to Tsukki, nudging his snack plate over, switching on the TV onto a random cartoon. The black-haired boy wasn't wearing his usual frown and he seemed a lot calmer than he normally was.

He still wasn't used to seeing his friends in their little headspaces, Noya and Tanaka were easier, but Kageyama made his head spin. The other boy never acted little, he didn't cling to his caregiver like Tsukki did (though you would never hear him say that), he didn't use any kind of bottles, sippy cups or pacifiers. In fact, the only little thing he had seen Kageyama do was carry around a small stuffed cow.

Despite all these things it was very clear that Kageyama was in his headspace, he was peaceful and quiet unlike Noya and Tanaka when they were little, it was nice to have someone to play with that wasn't constantly trying to make his ears explode.

When their TV show finally ended the caregivers had ushered the two over to where Tanaka and Noya were still playing. Once they were finished eating, Noya managed to rope Kageyama into playing yet another one of his weird games, and had practically forced Tsukki to join in too.

He had to admit though it was very fun all of them playing together... Until the crying started.

At some point Tanaka and Kageyama had started fighting over what Tsukki assumed was a toy. Tanaka kept on trying to snatch it out of the other boy's hand making him very grumpy.

Tsukki had been trying to ignore them up until the point Kageyama suddenly froze, dropping the toy in Tanaka's lap and the room went quiet. The smug smile Tanaka had once he had gotten the toy quickly disappeared, turning concerned once he saw the silent tears slipping down Kageyama's face.


Suddenly the little dissolved into violent sobs that startled Tsukki.

"Kageyama, what's wrong baby?" Hinata came rushing over, looking scared and worried. Kageyama didn't say anything and continued to sob into his caregiver's arms.

Tsukki didn't know what to do, he barely knew what to do when he was crying let alone someone else. So, he got up and quickly made his way to Yamaguchi's side and started to tug at his shirt.


Yamaguchi picked him up and settled him on his hip. "What's wrong baby?"

"I don't like Kageyama crying..."

Yamaguchi sighed, "I know honey but I'm sure Hinata will sort it out soon"

Hinata had managed to get Kageyama in a spare room to calm down and the rest of the team were left in the awkward silence. Suga had suggested they head home; it was getting late after all, and he could tell both Tanaka and Noya were getting tired.

Daichi thanked them for letting them come over while Suga packed up their stuff and Asahi told them to tell Kageyama he hoped he was okay before they all drove off together.

It was a couple of minutes before Hinata emerged from the hallway again, making a beeline for Yamaguchi and Tsukki.

"Hey Hinata, is everything going, okay?"

Hinata just stared at them for a few seconds before speaking so quietly only the two in front of him could hear him "Do you have any spare diapers I could borrow?"

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