Chapter 35: Fine, I tolerate (like) you

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Bet you guys didn't see this coming 


Yamaguchi had forced Tsukki to go to bed before the rest of the team, well before him and all the other caregivers.

Tsukki grumbled and whined but eventually settled down on his mat; nugget tucked safely in his arms. He drifted off into Dreamland peacefully. Waking up, however, was not as peaceful.

They had practice first thing in the morning and Tsukki was having none of it. He hid under his blankets and decided he would pretend to be asleep until he absolutely had to get up.

He had been left alone for the most part. Yamaguchi hadn't even tried to wake him up yet, so Tsukki dozed off, unaware of his surroundings and snuggled up peacefully in his blankets.

Unfortunately, some people were less than considerate of Tsukki's need for sleep because he was soon interrupted by Yamamoto kicking open their door and loudly screaming. At 7 o'clock in the morning. To say he was less than pleased was an understatement.

He grumpily got dressed into his uniform and refused to let Yamaguchi help him. He did not want to feel little this weekend and Yamaguchi trying to help him with everything was not going to help him avoid a drop. That didn't stop him from making sure Nugget was safe and tucked up in his bed though.

It was a warm day, the sun was out and there were no clouds in the sky. Noya and Hinata were happily bounding towards the gyms with far too much energy for a Saturday morning and everyone else was heading over much slower but still quite cheerful. Yamaguchi had linked his arm with Tsukki's on their way over and he didn't have the heart to shake him off, this was Yamaguchi after all Tsukki would never throw him off. He hated it when Yamaguchi even left for a second, so he wasn't going to argue with this.

The Nekoma team were already setting up the nets in the gym, Kuroo split an awful grin when he saw Karasuno arrive.

"Hey! Tsukki! Come help me set up this net!" Kuroo yelled across the gym, Tsukki fought the urge to groan as he made his way over and ignored Yamaguchi's little chuckle as he let go of his arm.

Kuroo clapped him on the shoulder when he finally made his way over and they started setting up the nets.

"Sooooo, tell me, how ya been?" Kurro asked, Tsukki rolled his eyes, Kurro obviously wanted something specific out of him.

"Fine," he replied.

"Oh come on man! You gotta give me more than that! A little birdy told me you've moved in with Mr Yamaguchi over there" Kuroo pointed over at Yamaguchi who was already practising with Suga and made a poor attempt at wiggling his eyebrows

Tsukki sighed and nodded and finished up tying his side of the net and tried to walk away. However Kuroo was having none of that and quickly grabbed his arm and spun him back around in an albeit friendly but still annoying way.

"Thaaat's niice. You two having fun? You two having tooo much fun?"

"We're just friends Kuroo, just friends and if you don't drop it i will throw a volleyball at your face with the intent to break your nose"

"Fine, fine," Kurro said with his hands raised in the air in mock surrender, he still had that awful grin on his face though "How are your blocking skills coming along then?"

Tsukki smirked a bit, now this was a conversation he could tolerate "Good."

"Wanna test them out?" Kurro asked, already picking up a stray volleyball for them to use.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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