Chapter 21: And finally a proper breakfast

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And we are back to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, sorry i have been gone so lone, i own none of these characters they are not mine and never will be. I hope you enjoy my significantly less angst chapter with lots of Yama cuddles and adorable Tsuki. Enjoy!


Fraise - Strawberry

Pasticcino - Cupcake


Yamaguchi and Tsukishima stayed like that for a little while, just laying with each other, listening to the others steady heartbeat.

"How about we try breakfast again Suki?" Yamaguchi said to the drowsy little on his chest,

"Mmmm, nooo" Tsukki mumbled

"yeah, yeah I know but you gotta eat Suki"

"No, stay here".

Yamaguchi raised his eyebrow at that, Tsukki was obviously little right now, which meant he really needed to eat, Yama did not want to deal with a grumpy, hungry little.

"Come on Suki i'll carry you to the kitchen, since you're clinging to me like a koala"

"Eh" that made the caregiver laugh, the little sounds Tsukki made were always so adorable.

"Okay then up we go" Yamaguchi lifted the little onto his hip and bounced him, getting a little giggle from Tsukki as he did so, thank God for caregiver strength. "Right to the kitchen!" he exclaimed and marched to the kitchen with the giggling little on his hip.

He plated the bacon and eggs he had left earlier on the stove and put it in the microwave "I've got eggs and bacon you want some or something else?". Tsukki shook his head and nuzzled into Yamaguchi's neck.

"Okay then, how about some oatmeal, maybe some blueberries and strawberries covered in honey to go with. would you like that? I know you love strawberries".

The little lifted his head up from his hiding place in his caregiver's neck and nodded his head vigorously, Tsukki loved strawberries.

So, Yama made the little breakfast of fruit for his little fraise and set it down on the blue wooden table in the kitchen, then tried to detach the little koala from his hip and neck on to the matching chairs. Said little Koala was having none of it though, he did not want to leave Yamaguchi's neck, it was his home now thank you very much.

"Come on pasticcino you gotta sit down to eat" he laughed,

"No. Stay"

"Alright, alright how about you sit in my lap, yeah? Would that be okay?" Tsukki nodded happily at that notion, he liked being with Yama, Yama was special.

So, Yamaguchi fumbled around to try and fit both him and the string bean little on the chair, but it happened and finally, the two finally had a successful breakfast, it was bliss. 


Hey would you look at that made shit, its a miracle. Sorry i haven't been updating but i have other stories and like real life, also sorry this was a little short. But yea i'll try and make a better effort to update because i know a lot of you read this, like a a lot, like Jesus Christ fucking 3.8k views, wow. But yeah see ya next time on my crappy writing skills.

I need ideas people, GIVE ME IDEAS, PLEASE. Heeelllpppp meeee

But yeh peace out ma dudes.

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