Chapter 17: The Store

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Characters aren't mine, Enjoy!

Bambino = baby

Sorry if any of my translations are wrong.


Yamaguchi was so glad Tsukki agreed to meet up with Asahi and Noya it'll be good for him to see them and might even make him more comfortable with his headspace. The boys had already gotten all the other things they needed, it was only the little store that was left,

"So, Asahi told me him and Noya were in the food court you wanna head up or stay down here for a little longer".

"Oh, um no, we can go up now" Tsukki seemed distracted or uncomfortable or both, kind of like when he was suppressing...oh. Yamaguchi didn't really want to risk the tears of a sudden drop, so he grabbed Tsukki's hand and tried to catch the little's gaze,

"You know you can drop into headspace whenever you want right? If you have your headache again it probably means you need to drop".

A blush spread across Tsukki's face as Yama spoke and he let out a jumble of words.

"Sorry i didn't get that",

"I don't know how..." the blond whispered.

"Well, i'll help you with it, it's okay if you drop in town too, I don't mind, just don't try to resist any little urges alright? Just relax bambino" Yama gave the little's hand a tight squeeze before leading him up to the food court.

"Hey look there's Asahi and Noya, let's go so hi shall we" Yamaguchi loved getting to treat Tsukki like the little he was, god knows he needed it. When they finally made it up to the food court, they could see Noya bouncing up and down on the spot in excitement, Asahi beside him chuckling at the little's antics.

Once pair spotted the two other boys, Noya came bounding over like an enthusiastic puppy. "Hey Suki, hey Yamaguchi how are ya? Ya good?" he said in a flurry of words.

"Hehe don't overwhelm them, baby" Asahi said coming over to where the two were standing.

"Hi guys how are you doing?"

"We're doing great aren't we bud",

"Uhuh" Yamaguchi knew Tsukki would have ignored every other person he met if Yama wasn't there to constantly encourage him, he didn't mind though.

"That's great, so, were do you wanna go then? Noya's been begging to go to the little store since we got here" said Asahi, Yama smiled at that Noya was always so excitable.

"What do you say to that bud, you wanna go to the store with Asahi and Noya?" he looked over to Tsukki who has a deep blush spreading across his face


@@time skip@@

Yamaguchi and Asahi were walking behind Tsukki and Noya as the shorter one lead the way to the Little store.

"Soo how has Suki been, has he dropped yet" Asahi asked,

"He has actually, he's really sweet and really young I think, you're gunna have to keep an eye on him for me while I buy things he won't like" Yamaguchi sent him a wide grin.

"Ha sure, Noya's in the 2-3 range, he's a little nightmare, still really cute though, don't tell him I said that" Asahi laughed, a fond look in his eyes.

"Asahi, Asahi there's the store, we go in now please" Noya was once again bouncing up and down.

"Sure, baby we can go in now" Asahi chuckled taking Noya's hand and walking towards the store. Yamaguchi held his hand out towards his little

"Let's go in bambino, we can go and find some nice new toys, isn't that exciting?" Tsukki looked away, but still took Yamaguchi's outstretched hand. Yamaguchi was starting to think that getting Tsukki into headspace was going to be a lot more difficult than he first thought.

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